330 Bonaventure Rd, Thunderbolt, GA 31404
For paranormal enthusiasts who are excited by the proposition of investigating or exploring a haunted cemetery, those in New Orleans are always at the top of the… Read more…
330 Bonaventure Rd, Thunderbolt, GA 31404
For paranormal enthusiasts who are excited by the proposition of investigating or exploring a haunted cemetery, those in New Orleans are always at the top of the… Read more…
715 West Alice Street, Kouts, IN 46347, USA
Haunt available for streetside viewing- Last week til Halloween. Lights on til 11pm.
Halloween day- gates open at 4pm til 9pm. Lights on til 11. Trick or Treating during community hours 4-8 usually.
Ravenfell Manor Yard Haunted House in Kouts, Indiana Ravenfell Manor yard haunt is a majority DIY Yard Haunt created and based on the stories of the Ravenfell… Read more…
6808 Rustler Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120, USA
Esch Manor Haunted House in New Mexico may be closed. Never fear. We have plenty of haunted houses to satisfy your fears on FrightFind. Read more…
37 Falls Brook Road, Bristol, CT 06010, USA
Bristol, Connecticut’s homegrown haunted house, NightMare on Falls Brook, has expanded considerably since it first opened several years ago. Read more…
2629 N. Park Dale Ct., Wichita, KS 67205, USA
If you dare to enter, a free haunting and a good time are waiting for you at this community-run haunted house. Read more…
Marsh Rd, Kissimmee, FL 34746, USA
Haunted Marsh’s free annual haunted house has been scaring visitors with a new theme every year since 2000. Read more…
813 334-5364
11163 Summer Star Drive, Riverview, FL 33579, USA
The Boneyard is a free neighborhood haunted house for trick-or-treaters in Riverview. Read more…