The sleepover is one of the most important adolescent rites of passage that can ever be experienced. Gathering up an assortment of your best and most personal close friends, you engage in a virtually sleepless overnight binging on prank phone calls, wanton gossip, horror movies, and junk food to the point of unbridled hedonism. However, at some point, these youthful conversations run dark and deep. Ghost stories are interjected with seriousness until someone proposes to play a supernatural game. Six Sinister Sleepover Games……that we don’t recommend you ever play!
Known throughout the world as a spirit board, this communicative board has served as an unholy pathway to contacting the spirit world for centuries. It wasn’t until 1901 when an American businessman named William Fuld acquired the patent rights (that eventually ended up in Parker Bros. hands), to the Ouija Board. Using a spate of numbers alongside the alphabet and “yes” or “no” commands, people ask virtually anything of the spirit world. Despite the harmless appearance, the Ouija Board has done more harm than good, causing untold numbers of demons and paranormal havoc to come through! This dangerous sleepover board game has been labeled as “highly dangerous” by Catholic exorcists for a reason!
Popularized in the 1995 cult film, The Craft, this scary sleepover game is wholly physical. One person lays on the floor as four other people surround them. Using only two fingers each underneath the person’s limbs, the volunteer is asked to visualize being dead in a coffin. Then the group chants, “Light as a feather, stiff as a board” and ever so slowly begins to raise the person from the floor and soon the person is completely levitated as if weightless! The origin of this bizarre scary sleepover maneuver actually has a history dating back to the late 1600s, when a British naval commander witnessed a group of young French girls performing this mock levitation!
The “truth or dare” portion of the sleepover is always an expected one. Rather than tell the truth, most insist upon the dare and the Bloody Mary dare is almost always used. The unlucky participant must enter into a bathroom or any other where a mirror is positioned with only a candlelight to accompany them. With their back to the mirror, they then begin calling up on Bloody Mary by chanting her name thirteen times. After the last utterance, you blow out the candle, then turn around and face the mirror only to have Bloody Mary’s twisted screaming corpse-ridden face looking back at you!
This game is very bizarre and its origins are still a complete mystery today. The Cat Scratch game is traditionally played with just two people. One person sits cross-legged on the floor and the other person lays down with the back of their head resting on the other person’s crossed legs. The person sitting has them close their eyes and they begin to slowly massage their temples. As they massage a poem is recited and dependent upon one of many versions:
There once was an old lady who owned a cat. The cat was very nice it meowed and purred. One day, the cat got hit by a car and died. Cat scratch, cat scratch, cat scratch. The old lady got a new cat and it was very mean. It hissed and clawed. Cat scratch, cat scratch, cat scratch. One day the cat got hit by a car and died. The old lady decided not to get another cat. Cat scratch, cat scratch, cat scratch.
At the conclusion of the poem and temple massage, the person lying down then stands up and raises their shirt to find a mysterious cat scratch raked across their abdomen!
This one’s sleepover origin comes from deep within the heart of Mexico and it is an otherworldly fortune-telling game. The concept is simple with the first step being to acquire a red book. Next, go into a dark room and light a candle as you and your friends are seated around it on the floor. Then you ask aloud, “Red book may I enter the game?” You close your eyes and ask a random question before turning to a random page and placing your finger on a random sentence. You then open your eyes and read the sentence aloud and your question is answered. Players must always ask permission to enter and leave the game or rumored negative consequences could occur.
Terrifying and dangerous, this one requires the use of salt lines to be placed across windows and doorway thresholds in a candlelit room. Three mirrors are then used in the darkened room with the first mirror reflecting off the doorway and then the two subsequent mirrors reflecting back off of it. In the third mirror, it is said that any spirits that are nearby will actually appear in the mirrored reflection. Want to know just how many ghosts are in your house, this game will certainly tell you and all your sleepover friends!
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