Editorial Guidelines



These guidelines are a reflection of Frightfind.com’s efforts to build, maintain and promote a quality directory and search engine for haunted attractions, reportedly paranormal locations, scary places, Halloween events, and advertisers relating to haunted attractions.

  1. Web Sites

Minimum requirements for inclusion:

  • Sites must serve as a resource for advertising and/or promoting haunted attractions, reportedly paranormal locations, scary places, or Halloween events.
  • Sites must be in English or contain an English language version.
  • Sites must have contextually relevant pages.

We DO NOT accept:

  • Online gambling sites.
  • Pornography/adult content sites.
  • Online pharmacy sites.
  • Retail tobacco sites.
  • Payday loan sites.
  • Multi Level Marketing (MLM) sites.
  • “Get Rich Quick” sites.
  • High Yield Investment Program or e-Gold sites.
  • File sharing or peer-to-peer networking sites.
  • Consumer focused nutritional supplements/vitamins/diet sites.
  • Link-only sites or third-party CPC ad resellers.
  • Plastic surgery sites.
  • Sites that are under construction.

Further, Frightfind.com does not accept listings or sites that do not fully, and without the collection of any user information, explicitly describe the business being advertised.

  1. Relevancy

The ad copy and keywords used in a listing must relate specifically to the content on the landing page of the listing. Further, all aspects of the listing (ad copy, keywords, landing page) must be directly linked to the Frightfind.com page on which that listing appears. There must be a logical path between the placement of the listing and the product or service being advertised.

  1. Multiple Listings per Category

Each Featured Listing within a category/directory page must be for a unique web site and contain unique ad copy. Mirror, framed or redirect sites that have different URLs but the same design layout do not qualify as unique web sites.

  1. Multilinks

Multilinks are a good way to feature specific pages of your site in your listing. For instance, you can choose a “Contact Us” multilink that goes directly to your contact information page. (Multilinks are available for Featured Listings only)  Multilinks should go to unique pages on your web site, not the home page.

  1. Display URL

The display URL must directly reflect the domain of the landing page/destination URL of the listing. Additionally, the display URL:

  • Cannot be used as an additional ad copy
  • Must have a domain extension: .com, .net, .org, etc.
  1. FrightFind.com Title and Description Guidelines 

    A. Relevancy

The ad copy and keywords used in a listing must relate specifically to the content on the landing page of the listing. Further, all aspects of the listing (ad copy, landing page) must be directly linked to the Frightfind.com page on which that listing appears. There must be a logical path between the placement of the listing and the product or service being advertised.

B. Destination URL

Should go to the specific product page wherever possible. Tracking URL and/or use of a URL shortener are acceptable.

C. Display URL

Must directly reflect the domain of the landing page/destination URL of the listing.

Additionally, the display URL:

  • Cannot be used as additional ad copy
  • Must have a domain extension: .com, .net, .org, etc.
  • Should not contain any tracking URLs, shorteners or superfluous code
  • Do not include “www.” or http://” in display URL.
  • Do not capitalize entire URL.D. Featured Listing Titles
  1. Company Name

Should only contain the actual company or attraction name.

  1. Product Title (only if applicable)

Specify a specific subsidiary brand or product line, if the company name by itself is too vague. We highly recommend use of “®,” “©,” “™,” etc. where applicable. For Example: Company name “Microsoft” and Product Title “Windows® 7”.

E. Symbols

We recommend use of “®,” “©,” “™,” etc. wherever applicable.

F. Character Count

Maximum of 52 characters for any combined total of company name and product title (including spaces and symbols).

G. Honors

Any accolades, BBE ratings, “award-winning” or other similar statements must clearly be substantiated on advertiser’s landing page.

H. Capitalization

Use standard paragraph casing. Do not capitalize entire words or every first letter.

Examples of unacceptable capitalization:

  • Compare ONLINE ADVERTISING Programs
  • Compare Online Advertising Programs

Acceptable capitalization:

  • Compare online advertising programsI. Spelling

Correct spelling must be used at all times.

J. Spacing

Must be in logical sentence structure and contain grammatically correct spacing: one space following every period.

K. Punctuation

Do not use superfluous punctuation:

  • No exclamation points!
  • No excessive punctuation, e.g. ????
  • No brackets: [ ] or { }
  • No ellipses …

L. Abbreviations

No improper or unnecessary abbreviations. Industry-standard abbreviations are acceptable.

Unacceptable abbreviations:

  • Get Unlimited Email Accts
  • Don’t be L8– Start a Blog Today
  • Strategic MgmtConsulting

Acceptable abbreviations:

  • Find CRMSoftware
  • Get ForexQuotes
  • Contact M&AAdvisorsM. Contact Information

Do not include any URL, email address, phone number or other contact info in the description, unless they are part of your trademarked company name, e.g. “1-800-Flowers” or “Freecreditreport.com”.