Haunted Places in New Hampshire

With a state motto of “Live Free or Die!”, you’ve just gotta love a place like New Hampshire and know that somewhere there are some definite ghosts lurking around. University of New Hampshire at Durham has the spirit of a lonely woman in white who has floated through the hallowed halls at night for decades proving that higher learning is not for the faint at heart.

Think castles are just for princesses? Think again. Out in Gilford is the abandoned Kimball Castle where whispering voices are heard and mysterious lights flashed on the grounds hinted that something else may still live there. The Isle of Shoals in Portsmouth is a lively port city with a collection of tiny islands that both are adjacent to the Piscataqua River and Atlantic Ocean. Centuries of wrecked ships and rogue pirate bootleggers have this area well covered with spirit sightings including that of a woman in white who longingly paces around the shores looking for her lost love.

The famous Bretton Woods is home to the Mount Washington Hotel which is home to the spirit of the original owner who has been seen on just about every square inch of the property. The town of Salem (not that one) is home to Mystery Hill, a bizarre smattering of rocks that resembles Stonehenge which was the inspiration for one famous H.P. Lovecraft story. This charming, quaint area of New England may be small on size, but it’s definitely big on scares.