Haunted Places in West Virginia

West Virginia is dead center within the famous rocky, and tree covered Appalachian Mountain chain. However, the Mountain State is host to many other dead things and the overwhelming number of haunts and folklore for this Mid-Atlantic state are just too numerous to name.

Creatures of the night have your interest? The Mothman is said to live in West Virginia, stalking the Point Pleasant area for decades, so much so that the deadly Silver Bridge collapse of 1967 was said to have been caused by the frightful, red-eyed Mothman which resulted in the death of 46 people!

Historically rich, the Droop Mountain Battlefield was site of the state’s final Civil War battle. All these many decades later, the many sightings of ghostly soldiers and phantom battle cries are enough to spook many who visit.

Or perhaps one of the most paranormally active sites not only in the state, but in the entire country is the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum which boasts EMF readings and EVP (electronic voice phenomena) recordings of such high and frequent levels that as they’re taken the only thing to punctuate the stillness are the bloodcurdling screams and cries of patients long since passed! Abandoned mines, mythical creatures, and cursed lands, West Virginia certainly has the haunted goods.