Hotel Andaluz

Albuquerque, NM   /   8 Reviews

125 2nd St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102, USA


Haunted Hotel Andaluz

Conrad Hilton was still in the early stages of his career when he built the Hilton Hotel in the 1930s in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The 4th Hilton Hotel to be created, the hotel opened in 1939. The old hotel became known as the Hotel Andaluz after a renovation in the early 2000s. Now listed on the National Register of Historic Places, there is said to be a few ghosts haunting the halls of this historic hotel.


Is the Hotel Andaluz Haunted?

There are several ghostly rumors told about the Hotel Andaluz. From a nervous lobby ghost to another entity that haunts the 4th-floor. While skeptics may dispute the stories, many concur that the Hotel Andaluz is haunted to this day.

Who haunts the Hotel Andaluz?

One of those spirits is a woman seen in the lobby and on some of the upper floors (the 7th floor specifically) of the hotel. Described as looking nervous and unsettled, some say that she looks and acts like she doesn’t belong in the hotel. Many describe her as wearing a dress from the 1940s or early 1950s. Though no one knows who she is, some think she might be a woman who stayed in the hotel with her lover or spouse prior to the man shipping off to World War II. If he never came back from the war, it might explain why she came back to the hotel where they were so happy together and why she seems so confused.

Haunted Hotel Andaluz in Albuquerque, New Mexico

The Hotel Andaluz is also home to a ghostly older woman who wanders the fourth floor in an old-fashioned pink dress. Guests report seeing her appear and then disappear around sundown. The ballroom of the hotel is also haunted by a group of former guests who seem to enjoy laughing, dancing and listening to the music that no one else can hear. Though ghostly activity is common at the hotel, most of the activity occurs later in the day.

What rooms and areas are haunted of Hotel Andaluz?

Original Haunted Hotel Andaluz in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Original room of the haunted Hotel Andaluz. This was the 4th hotel built by Conrad Hilton which opened in 1939.

With a rich history and acclaim that came with being one of the original Hilton hotels, the now Hotel Andaluz is a staple of the Albuquerque, NM community. The original rooms were cozy and obviously dated back in the late 30s. Now some of those rooms and floors play host to guests that have never left. Check out these haunted floors, rooms, and spaces of the Hotel Andaluz.

  • The lobby and upper floors of the hotel are haunted by a woman whose spirit may have returned to a happier time in her life. She’s more often seen on the 7th floor.
  • The 4th-floor is said to be haunted by an older woman in an old-fashioned pink dress.
  • The ballroom has been reported to be haunted by a group of former guests who come out at night.

Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts

8 Reviews

  1. Tiffa

    Are there any other ghosts besides the two ladies and the phantom audience that have their “parties”?

    February 9, 2020 at 8:58 am Reply
    1. Jeremy

      On Halloween Night, 2023, A tarot card reading in the lobby’s conference room on the southeast side revealed many lost souls seeking a way to move on. unofficially, a security guard was present when the reading was made by myself. It was one of the most amazing readings of my life

      August 24, 2024 at 3:10 pm Reply
  2. Sammy

    I stayed on the 6 floor in the corner. Heard low to high banging noise on a specific wall the other side of that wall was a separate parking garage 6 ft away from each other. I was told there no way I could’ve heard a noise from the garage how far it is from my room. I then googled the hotel and this website popped up.

    July 3, 2021 at 1:23 pm Reply
  3. Emily W.

    Interesting because I am staying in the same room and exactly at midnight last night I heard the same thing. I was just in a light sleep and awoke. It sounded like it was coming from the corner of the room. I told the spirit to leave so I could sleep and I did not have any other disturbances. It was really strange. I stayed here in the same room (611) in 2017 and each morning the closet door was wide open when I made sure it was completely closed. I never felt threatened so it isn’t a mean ghost.

    September 9, 2021 at 4:24 pm Reply
  4. Mike

    Stayed lastnighy in 202. Around 1030 I saw a white figure walk behind my gf. The was knocks on the closet door.

    October 9, 2021 at 7:25 am Reply
  5. Joe david Perry

    I worked there as a banquet cook/chef and was going downstairs to the bottom near banquet storage and heard a kid or baby crying then to my left I heard what sounds like ” are you ready” so I took three pics. in the second pic is what looks like a ghostly little girl poking her head out with a left sided distorted face. wish I could post those pics

    March 30, 2023 at 7:39 am Reply
  6. Tony

    As a former employee of the Andaluz I might be able to clear some of this up. Yes, the hotel is haunted. It’s over 100 years old and there are just to many stories for it not to be. Ghost #1 The woman: Seen mostly in the basement and lobby area, she appears in a white dress. After a event one night I was taking a chair down to the basement when all of a sudden i got that feeling like something was watching me, when I turned in said direction a loud bang that sounded like someone pulled a table away from the stack against the wall and then forcefully pushed it back into place occurred.. Needless to say i tan out of there real quick. Ghost #2 The little girl or “Emily” as we use to call her: Seen mostly on the Mezzanine she was pretty friendly and we would leave out toys for her to play with that would move around during the night. Now the last and ghost is the one you didn’t really want to encounter. He use to stay on the upper levels of the hotel (floors 9-10) and is mean, does not like men, and is said to grope women (a couple of our female house keepers had bad experiences). Also one night a male guest came down from his room at 3am and refused to go back up, stating there was a “black figure” standing in his room.. Security had to go up and pack his bags for him so he could check out..

    October 16, 2024 at 5:12 pm Reply
    1. joe

      I worked there as a banquet cook in 2023 and in feb I have a picture of a distorted girls face in the dark from down in the banquet room coming from out of banquet chairs stacked against wall. I heard my pic was famous and it’s dated as feb 19,202312:07 pm so this was in the day time but was dark downstairs. I heard what sounded like a little girl crying or saying ” are you ready ” and took a few pic.

      December 13, 2024 at 5:12 pm Reply

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