3179 NY-21, Canandaigua, NY 14424, USA
Sutherland House

This haunt is in need of information. Why is it here? We've had reports that this location is indeed haunted. Our specter crew has this haunt in processing and will be updating its information shortly. If you have a story related to this location, please share it with us below or contact us.
Happy Haunting,
The FrightFind Crew
Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts
We stayed in November of 2020 and were in the upper left bedroom over the front porch. Our first night was uneventful but our second night we settled in the chairs by the windows to enjoy a drink. The TV was in a cabinet that had hinged doors and we had the door all the way opened to play music on the TV. We were talking and scrolling our phones when suddenly the door to the cabinet moved like it was being pushed. The hinges creaked and the door moved and then released back. It then moved again with more force and the hinges squeaked twice as if being pushed harder. Suddenly the door abruptly slammed shut it front of our faces. We sat in awe and disbelief at what we had just witnessed. The hinges are meant to stop the doors from slamming and they stop at a halfway point if lightly pushed and then you have to use a bit of force to get them to release and close. It was very surprising. Upon further research we found a posting about that very room and a woman in a green dress. While we did not physically see an apparition, we definitely had a ghostly experience there.
In July 2020 I stayed here, in the Ivy Solace room (first room upstairs, on right of stairs). While trying to sleep I felt like I should open my eyes for some reason and standing in front of me in the front window was a figure causing me to jump back and startle my husband. It disappeared as quickly as I saw it. Mind you I am a very light sleeper and this was shortly after laying down for the night, so I was still wide awake. Maybe 20 minutes after that, I was laying on my side facing my husband and felt pressure on my hip as if someone’s hand was pushing down on me. I closed my eyes again, attempting to sleep and heard a male voice call my name in a breathy voice in my ear that sounded like it was right next to me, yet also very far away. It’s hard to describe. It definitely was not my husband who was sound asleep because I was facing him and the voice was “over” me and it wasn’t his voice. Again, trying to fall asleep I felt the hand pushing down on my hip. Having a hard time falling asleep, I decided to go lay in the tub with a pillow and blanket, just so I wouldn’t wake my husband with my tossing and turning. Well, my pillow which was leaning against the wall of the tub with my head against it, was pulled upwards. It was as if someone came into the bathroom, was behind the wall where the doorway and tub are and tried pulling the pillow from behind my head. That made me jump because I did not hear the VERY heavy door, which makes a dragging sound as it opens and closes with the rug underneath it. I thought maybe it somehow was my husband, but he was still in bed sound asleep. I never felt scared. It just felt like whoever (whatever) it was just wanted to let me know they were there. I have never experienced anything like this before, where it all was very obviously happening. I would definitely like to go back here again to see if anything similar happens.