The Haunted Hallow in Augusta, MI
Ever wondered what it might be like to live out a real-life horror movie instead of a regular old haunted house? Wanna watch your friends piddle while standing right next to you? When was the last time that you saw your friends pee their pants? Maybe something worse? Bring them along and prepare yourself for something different! What’s your biggest fear? We want to exploit it!!! The Haunted Hallow is definitely not your average scare. The crazies have been freed, are out of control and are looking for you while you walk over 1/2 mile of wooded trails at The Olde World Village with over 25 scenes & our very own and ever-changing maze of despair. We are open at 8 p.m. and anyone in line by midnight will be allowed to enter every Friday and Saturday nights through October. Advance purchase line jump tickets are available at www.oldeworldvillage.com and admission is available at the gate. Admission is only $10 per victim, or $15 per line jump and is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR VICTIMS UNDER 17!