Lake Area Adventures, 5959 Common Street, Lake Charles, LA, USA
7pm - Midnight as business permits
Posted in Haunted Attractions
2460 Holman Way, Sparks, NV, USA
For over 15 years, we’ve been providing the community with an ever-improving, ever-expanding home haunt experience like no other! Admission is free, though a non-perishsable good item… Read more…
2 Brighton Ave, Passaic, NJ 07055, USA
Brighton Asylum Haunted House in New Jersey This decrepit building was once an asylum for the most violent patients in New Jersey back in the 1940s. Read more…
457 Main St., Springvale, ME 04083, USA
Very few Halloween adventures are family friendly. Little ones will enjoy a bouncy house, carnival games, and other contests. Read more…