Carpenter’s Mortuary

Gentry, AR   /   2 Reviews

136 East Main Street, Gentry, AR, USA

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Is the old MORTUARY in Gentry, Arkansas ACTUALLY HAUNTED?!?!

In 1990, local artists began to occupy the building that was once Gentry’s mortuary and funeral chapel. They transformed the space into a project studio devoted to music, film, and many other art forms.

Over the years, visitors, including paranormal investigation groups, have reported strange phenomena there. They’ve seen unexplained lights and noises. They’ve had the feeling that someone, or something, was breathing down their necks.

Now, each weekend night in October, the artists of Mortuary Studios present “Carpenter’s Mortuary Spook House.” – The mad ghosts of the morticians, the gravediggers, and the evil undertakers of Carpenter’s Mortuary have once again opened up for business. Come explore their haunted halls . . . if you dare.

Posted in Haunted Attractions and Haunted Houses

2 Reviews

  1. Jamie

    This place was so creepy. Would recommend to anyone in Arkansas, very scary place.

    November 11, 2017 at 7:55 pm
  2. Andrew

    The attention to detail in this haunt was crazy and the walk through is amazing. The story and actors were excellent and super scary. Such a freaky night, I had a great time.

    November 22, 2017 at 8:09 pm

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