Governor’s Bridge

Governor Bridge Rd, Davidsonville, MD 21035, USA

The Haunted Governor’s Bridge in Davidson, Maryland

The state of Maryland is home to many haunted locations, but Governor’s Bridge, located in Bowie, Maryland, is considered one of the most haunted places in the state. It is a historic bridge that spans the Patuxent River and it has a long and eerie history. For paranormal enthusiasts and thrill-seekers, the Governor’s Bridge is a must-visit location where they can experience unexplained phenomena, ghostly sightings, and eerie feelings.

The Governor’s Bridge is dubbed the Crybaby Bridge and the story is often confused with the Goatman’s Bridge, which is in Lantana, Texas. The two are much different, with different stories.

History of the Governor’s Bridge

The original Governor’s Bridge was built in the 1800s and was once an important crossing for the Patuxent River. The bridge played a significant role in Maryland’s Civil War history, where it was used as a strategic transportation center for Union troops. The bridge has been repaired and rebuilt several times. As the years went on, the Governor’s Bridge became known for something entirely different – its paranormal activity and mysterious legends.

Who Haunts the Crybaby Bridge?

One of the most enduring legends associated with Governor’s Bridge is the tragic tale of a young woman in the 1970s who threw her infant baby off the bridge into the cold waters of the Patuxent River. She then jumped in after her baby and both were never seen alive again. The bridge has been dubbed the “Crybaby Bridge” by locals who claim to have seen the apparition of the woman holding her baby crying on the bridge crying. Others have reported hearing the baby’s cries when passing over.

Paranormal Encounters at the Governor’s Bridge

Over the years, Governor’s Bridge has gained a reputation as a paranormal hotspot, drawing ghost hunters, thrill-seekers, and skeptics alike. Numerous accounts of strange phenomena have been documented, ranging from inexplicable cold spots and ghostly crying to apparitions of figures in period clothing. Visitors have reported feeling an overwhelming sense of unease as they traverse the bridge.

Local Legends and Folklore

In addition to the Crybaby legend, Governor’s Bridge is steeped in other local tales and folklore. Some stories recount the spirits of Confederate soldiers haunting the area, a reflection of Maryland’s historical ties to the Civil War. Others speak of tragic accidents on the bridge, with the souls of the deceased lingering in the afterlife. These ghost stories, passed down through generations, have shaped the Governor’s Bridge as a haunted landmark.

Where is the Governor’s Bridge Located?

As of December 2023, the bridge is closed. However, the bridge is located at Governor Bridge Rd, Davidsonville, MD 21035, and spans 105 feet.

Governor’s Bridge, AKA “Crybaby Bridge,” has a paranormal reputation drawing ghost hunters and skeptics alike. Where does this bridge lead? Perhaps, the other side? Safe travels…

Posted in Bridges, Haunted Places and Real Haunts

One Review

  1. Ann

    I was one of the last people who drove over the Crybaby Bridge before it closed. Now it’s just sitting there spookier than ever.

    December 8, 2023 at 1:43 pm

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