12501 Old Giles Road, La Vista, NE 68128, USA
(402) 896-19
12501 Old Giles Road, La Vista, NE 68128, USA
(402) 896-19
This haunted house is in need of information. Our specter crew has this haunt in processing and will be updating its information shortly. If you have a story related to this location, please share it with us below or contact us.
Happy Haunting,
The FrightFind Crew
Posted in Haunted Attractions and Haunted Houses
906 40th Street North, Birmingham, AL, USA
8-Midnight Thursday-Sunday. Conjurebham.com
50k sqft of thrills and chills right in the heart of Birmingham! Read more…
10240 Fingerboard Rd., Ijamsville, MD 21754, USA
Nightmare Manor is the scene left behind by Seth Legget, an unforgiving quarry manager. Read more…
Summit, NY, USA
Thurs-Fri: 4p
Sat-Sun: 10a, 1p, 4p
It’s 1986. Visions of a blood-soaked campsite deep in the woods of S’cary County have been haunting you nightly. Read more…
Went with my friends this weekend, we had such a great time! It’s a very fun and creepy place, we’re all excited to go again next year.