1 Cedar Point Dr, Sandusky, OH 44870, USA
Hotel Breakers

This haunt is in need of information. Why is it here? We've had reports that this location is indeed haunted. Our specter crew has this haunt in processing and will be updating its information shortly. If you have a story related to this location, please share it with us below or contact us.
Happy Haunting,
The FrightFind Crew
Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts
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If this is regarding Hotel Breakers in Cedar Point being haunted I have an experience to share.
Aside from the history of the hotel, as well as small previous experiences that I have had, which includes the time we had to wait in the hotel when the park and hotel was evacuated due to what I believe was a blown pipeline in the front of the park.
A couple of years later in 2017, I took my daughter 18, her boyfriend,19 and my son,16.
On our last night my son and I returned from the park to our hotel exhausted around 10 p.m.
I tried unlocking our hotel room using the hotel key card but it wouldn’t work. Then my son tried and still nothing.
Then the door was being pulled from the other side and we were relieved that my daughter was back from the park to open it for us. After watching the door being pulled as if someone was trying to open it several times yet failed my son called my daughter asking why she can’t open the door. She asked him what he was talking about and let him know that they were still in the park playing games.
My son then went to the lobby to get another key while I waited outside our door. He came back, we went in and the room was empty. Fortunately at the time that this happened we were so exhausted that I didn’t realize our experience until On our way home the next morning to Michigan.
What room was this?