111 Bird St, Hannibal, MO 63401, USA
Lula Belle’s

This haunt is in need of information. Why is it here? We've had reports that this location is indeed haunted. Our specter crew has this haunt in processing and will be updating its information shortly. If you have a story related to this location, please share it with us below or contact us.
Happy Haunting,
The FrightFind Crew
Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts
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Lula Belle’s Bed and Breakfast. I stayed there in ’09 and ’10. It was a brothel until the 1950s, I was told. I had a haunting experiences there in ’10.
I woke up early in the morning when the sun was rising. I could feel spirit in the room but didn’t want to open my eyes and confront it. (the pineal gland is the most active right before sleep and right after waking, that is what is active in our heads when some see spirits) I had went to sleep with 2 of the B&B’s pillows under my pillow, making it 3 pillows under my head and very uncomfortable. I rolled over to the left, to the right, back and forth about 5 turns. The 5th turn, it felt as if 5-10 strands of hair were held together, six inches off my pillow, like someone held them up gently as I turned. I laid in bed, telling myself my long hair had got caught between the pillows. I turned the other way, the same thing happened on the other side of my head. Like 5-10 strands held gently in the air as I rolled, pulling gently. I laid there scared, thinking that couldn’t have happened twice, on opposite sides of my head. Then I got annoyed and thought of how I paid good money to stay there, I was going to get a good nights sleep. With my eyes closed, I took the 2 extra pillows under my head and threw them to the wall, went to roll the other way, as I was on my back, rolling to the other side, POUNCE right between my legs. It felt like a 10 lb cat jumping on my lap. I sat straight up in bed, the sun was shining in the room beautifully. I didn’t see any spirits, Thank God. I had been rolling side to side with just the sheet smoothly covering my legs, which now was at least 6inches between my legs. I had a few things happen before this, but this was the greatest haunt I had there.
Souls charge off limestone under and around Hannibal and the Mississippi River carries minerals they feed off of too.
Lula Belles is now Riverfront Inn. It was a brothel until the 1950s.
I have a few pics with orbs in them I took in and around Lula Belles!