Monster Mountain

273 McMurtry Rd, Hendersonville, TN 37075, USA

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+1 615-338-4632

Monster Mountain is a self-guided, haunted attraction known for its over-the-top scenes, intense make-up and costuming. Every night the attraction is open, actors are transformed into monsters and mad men to scare and entertain the guests. Many visitors enjoy the actors disguised as nightmarish creatures that stalk the parking lot before the haunted house actually begins, starting the experience the moment guests get out of their cars.Some don’t even make it past the ticket booth!

Since it began, Monster Mountain has held a tradition of excellence in the Middle TN area. The production of this amazing haunt begins taking shape in early November and takes a talented group of creative artists months to make the amazing scenes for the crowds.

Do you have what it takes to face your fears? Come to Monster Mountain and find out!

Posted in Haunted Attractions and Haunted Houses

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