Pumpkinliners Train Rides

Fillmore, CA   /   0 Reviews

364 Main Street, Fillmore, CA, United States

10:30 am-2:00 pm, last three weekends in October

Ride a vintage train to “ICHABOG” our private pumpkin patch at Loose Caboose Garden Center and Gift Emporium to pick the perfect jack-o-lantern. Pumpkin prices start at $1. Activities and attractions include: Jolly Jumps, Carousel, Arts & Crafts Booths, BBQ food booth, face painting and more. Begins on October 8, and runs Saturdays & Sundays through October 30, 2016. Two departures each weekend day-10:30 am or 2:00 pm. Adults/Seniors-$22 Youth(4-12)-$15 Child(2-3)-$10 23 months and under can ride free on an adult’s lap. Call 805-524-2546 or visit www.fwry.com to buy tickets. 

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