Ramkota Hotel – Clarion Hotel

Greeley, CO   /   1 Review

701 8th St, Greeley, CO , USA

This haunt is in need of information. Why is it here? We've had reports that this location is indeed haunted. Our specter crew has this haunt in processing and will be updating its information shortly. If you have a story related to this location, please share it with us below or contact us.

Happy Haunting,
The FrightFind Crew

Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts

One Review

  1. Lee

    I stayed there for 3 nights recently. On the third night, I was kept awake from 5 am on by the distinct sound of something dragging or scraping along overhead — problem is that I was on the top floor of the hotel. The hotel is supposedly under renovation, so I thought perhaps the roofing crew was at work stupidly early. Made no sense, but it was the only thing I could think of. I asked about it the next morning when I was checking out, and the two folks at the desk just stammered something about maybe ice melting off or something, and said nothing was going on with the roof. Ice melting does not make a steady dragging noise for 3 hours…..When I got home, my wife was watching a ghost show on TV, and I joked that maybe the hotel was haunted — then I did a google search for haunted hotels in Greeley, and found the stories about Rosie haunting the 3rd floor of that hotel….. I didn’t see any apparitions, and I was annoyed, not scared, by the noise, but in retrospect I wonder if I should have gotten dressed and looked around.

    February 17, 2020 at 8:35 pm Reply

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