RED VEIN Haunted House

Ashland, VA   /   5 Reviews

13580 Ashland Rd, Ashland, VA 23005, United States

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RED VEIN Haunted House in Ashland, Virginia!

Delve further into the history of Emily Redvyn and her malevolent coven. Click to read more about the LEGEND.

RED VEIN Haunted House Trailer

RED VEIN Attractions

Redvyn Asylum

In 1868, a wealthy, but mysterious proprietor opened Redvyn Asylum, one of the first mental hospitals in Virginia. Built in Hanover County, the hospital was situated close to the ruins of a reform school named Providence, which was founded by the late Emily Redvyn, who in 1795 was accused and executed for practicing witchcraft. Under the care of the physician Dr. Caine, only a select number of patients were admitted to the asylum and operations were extremely private. The asylum closed in 1871 as suddenly as it opened, leaving very few medical or historical records. Stories of the creepy doctor spread through the area and children would scare each other with nursery rhymes about Dr. Caine, aka Dr. Insane. This year, visit RED VEIN’s brand new indoor haunted house… Redvyn Asylum!

Rabbit’s Cry Field

In the cornfield surrounding Providence, many spirits protect their sacred land and its family’s secrets. Entities from long ago and creatures from the depths of hell now roam the grounds. Rabbit’s Cry Field is an outdoor corn maze filled with terrifying monsters and gory sets. New for 2018… visit the Bunny Man’s house and a trip through the forest behind the Butcher Brother’s Smokehouse.

Providence Home For Wayward Children

A small facility named Providence Home For Wayward Children was founded by Emily Redvyn in Hanover County in 1781. Providence was known to accept children who were abandoned, those with mental and physical handicaps, addictions, or just needing guidance. A century after Emily’s execution, Providence reopened in the 1930’s under new ownership. Step inside RED VEIN’s main indoor haunted house attraction, which includes over 35 highly detailed scenes, incredible scares, special effects, and screams around every corner. New for 2018… updated sets, more animatronics, characters, and an expanded basement where you’ll finally meet Emily in her true form!

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Posted in Corn Mazes, Escape Rooms, Haunted Attractions, Haunted Houses and Haunted Trails

5 Reviews

  1. Greg Cummings

    Great haunt that avoids a lot of the cliches found in most haunts and has a great story!

    September 11, 2018 at 5:03 pm
  2. Russ Pitts

    This is the haunt to visit. The actors make the scenes believable. Red Vein has worked hard to give the “lambs” good value for the money.

    October 9, 2018 at 4:51 pm
  3. Geena

    Worth the wait! Different from other haunted houses in the area!

    October 15, 2018 at 11:48 am
  4. Jen

    This is our favorite haunt around. We love all the characters and the back story is sooo good.

    October 23, 2018 at 1:51 pm
  5. Ryan Carter

    So after waiting about 70 minutes, we finally did RED VEIN Haunted House in Ashland. This is one of the best haunted houses I’ve ever went through. So this house is basically 4 different mazes combined into 1 and each maze takes about roughly 10 mins to walk through. Making the total duration of about 45 minutes. It starts off with a walk through the asylum which is an indoor house, then it goes out into a corn maze, then it goes into a clown themed haunted trail, and then into a really scary haunted house. The theme of all these mazes is basically having you set on a quest to go to a Halloween party and you have to do all the Camp Ashland activities in order to get there. Basically they tell you the theme during the preshow when you first enter the asylum and then a very cool thing that they do right after the preshow is that a scare actor rubs fake blood onto your forehead since were members of the camp we have to have that fake blood on our foreheads. And these mazes are absolutely amazing. The scare actors know how to each member really good and they will get you really good a couple of times. They get up in your face, The hiding places are difficult to find and they just pop out of nowhere when you least expect it. The chainsaw people will actually chase you through portions of the maze are amazing. I also love that monster that was hiding in the laser smoke and then just jumped out of nowhere. Like let me just tell you these are the greatest scare actors I have ever seen at a haunt. In addition to the already amazing scare actors are also unexpected jump scare effects and lifelike animatronics that will also get you really good scares as well. In fact, there are 3 animatronics that actually scared the living crap out of me even more then the scare actors and these were massive animatronic animal heads that came right at you and it made loud noises and the movements were very lifelike. One of them was a giant snake, another one was like a werewolf, and the last one was like a devil. They also have loud startling noises and air blasts. The biggest jump scare out of the loud noises was this car that turned its lights on right on you and beeped so loud. Also the air blasts were really strong and actually got me good as well. But let’s also appreciate the soundtracks and theming in the mazes. They were well done and pretty much on the same level as Halloween Horror Nights. There was a lot of smoke and there was a lot of holes that we had to duck under throughout the mazes and there was some pitch black parts. There was also some funhouse portion elements such as shaking floors. Also throughout the mazes you can actually get lost and there’s several ways to go through them. And there was actually some Easter eggs that were relevant to Christianity. Overall this is the greatest haunted house in Virginia because it is a full package. You got the greatest scare actors ever plus amazing special effects, animatronics, phenomenal jump scares, scents, soundtrack, storyline, tricks, theming, and length.

    October 29, 2022 at 9:24 pm

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