Scarizona Scaregrounds

Mesa, AZ   /   0 Reviews

1901 North Alma School Road, Mesa, AZ, United States

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THURSDAYS & SUNDAYS + Halloween  7pm - 10pm

MONDAY OCTOBER 30th  7pm - 9pm

FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS  7pm - 11:30pm

Scarizona Scaregrounds is Arizona’s place for fear. Featuring FOUR ATTRACTIONS! The park is home to Three haunted houses, Epic Fear, Slayers Slaughter House and the all new STARTLED DARKNESS along with Arizona’s first interactive zombie paintball shoot “Operation Zombie Storm.” Different nightly entertainment, live bands, DJ’s, and the Beer and Wine Cemetery where “Spirits come to life” (*21 and older in the beer/wine area)… Vendors food and drinks…. and much more!


Every Thursday come play Who’s Got BRAINS? Zombie trivia for free tickets and prizes. Live local bands every night. Sunday is Freakshows and

Fears (magic acts, freaks and more) Scheduled celebrity appearance TBA.

Posted in Haunted Attractions and Haunted Houses

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