Eli Roth, a true titan of terror. From Cabin Fever to Hostel, The Green Inferno to Knock Knock, he is the architect of modern horror. His filmography has carved a niche in the genre, blending gore with psychological thrills, and he continues to push the boundaries of fear. Follow the latest Eli Roth news and join us on his darkly creative journey.
Eli Roth’s ‘Thanksgiving’ Is Stuffed With Gore. No Gravy Needed.
Eli Roth’s latest movie, Thanksgiving, is a slasher film that takes place over the, you guessed it, Thanksgiving holiday. The plot revolves around a mysterious Thanksgiving-inspired killer who… Read more »
Eli Roth and AMC team up for History of Horror
Eli Roth continues his quest to conquer the world of horror. Fans of AMC may have heard about the upcoming series entitled AMC Visionaries. So far AMC has… Read more »