Arkansas’ Reaper Haunted House

6016 Crystal Hill Rd, North Little Rock, AR, United States

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Are you ready for intensity never before seen in a haunt? Are you ready to cry and scream and beg for your life? Step inside The Reaper Haunted House, the most intense haunted house in Arkansas, and see if you can make it through over 15,000 square feet of horror with 30 scenes of blood, gore and mayhem. In The Reaper’s world, anything goes…and no one will be there to save you….This years haunted house will be bigger and better than ever!! Come sse if you can make it thorugh till

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(918) 327-5132

1109 N Delaware St, Dewey, OK 74029, USA

Ticket sales start around 7:30 PM each night and ticket booth closes at 11:30 PM. 

Attraction starts around 8pm. It will remain open until all customers "With Tickets" have gone through.

**All Ticket Sales Final - Absolutely No Refunds**

"KFP Reserves the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone."

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