Arlington Resort Haunted Hotel

239 Central Ave, Hot Springs, AR 71901, USA

The Haunted Arlington Resort Hotel in Hot Springs, Arkansas

The Arlington Resort Hotel in Hot Springs, Arkansas, originally built in 1875, is a beautiful and historic hotel. Patrons of the hotel tell stories of seeing people eerily dressed in old-fashioned clothes walking down the halls or strolling through the lobby before simply disappearing into thin air. Some speak of seeing a young girl in a pink dress in the lobby. Others report seeing the ghost of a woman in one of the two towers, wearing a wedding dress staring to the stars. Others have reported that they’ve seen the hotel’s old bellman, Henry Tweedle, on the fourth level of the building. He walks through closed doors before disappearing. Faucets are said to be turned on and off by themselves, people being brushed by something when no one is there, ghostly laughter and lights going on and off when no one is around. But…

…Is the Arlington Resort Hotel Haunted?

The hotel very well seems haunted, yet management may be keeping a tight lid on any ghostly scuttlebutt. Reports have it that several rooms within the hotel have been permanently locked, and some have even been walled up to prevent both guests and hotel staff from entering. If that doesn’t give you enough pause to wonder whether the rumors of haunting are true, not much will. Employees have been willing to talk, but quickly tighten their lips as if they were told to keep quiet. The bartender confessed to a particular bottle of wine continually jumping off the shelf with several guest-witnesses but it’s not often you’ll get someone to fess up.

Al Capone’s Ghost and the Arlington Hotel’s 4th Floor

Al Capone's Ghost at the Arlington Haunted Hotel

Al Capone would rent the entire 4th floor for his crew of bodyguards and gangsters. His favorite was the Arlington’s room 443 where Capone could see what was happening at the Southern Club across the street. Southern Club was a gambling and entertainment joint that opened in 1893. Guests and employees have said that the elevator mysteriously will open, travel to the 4th floor and stop as if to drop someone off. You can even rent the Capone Suite if you want to experience the perks of Scarface and his crew.

Ghosts of the Arlington Resort Hotel

Many rumors circulate about the Arlington Resort Hotel being haunted. By whom or what and why it’s tough to get the stories straight. The building does have quite a history though. The hotel was originally four stories and built in 1875. In 1892, the original building was razed and replaced by a larger brick building. However, the new building was destroyed by a fire in 1923. Afterward, it was replaced with the Arlington Resort Hotel that remains standing to this day. The history of the hotel causes one to wonder whether it is the spirits of some who possibly died in the fire that haunt the hotel.

Haunted floors of the Arlington Hotel

  • The 7th floor is said to have some strange goings on in a particular unnamed room. People have the feeling of being tapped on the shoulder or brushed up against yet nobody is near. Employees have said that their hair had been pulled slightly with no one around.
  • The ghost of the bellman is said to walk the 4th floor.
  • On the 11th floor, a man’s laughter is heard near the elevators yet no one is around.
  • A man wearing a black suit has been seen in the laundry room.
  • Room 443 is where Al Capone would stay.
  • Some say room 824 houses an evil spirit, but the stories are not corroborated. A guest did report an experience there, but the spirit’s nature did not appear malevolent.
  • It’s said that room 666 was changed to 667 because of the negative connotation and many reports of hearing strange things in that room.
  • The boarded up rooms are said to have doors that slam shut and ongoing whispers and conversations from time to time. Those are supposed to be built into the mountainside with no running water or electricity.

Tips for your haunted say at the Arlington Resort

Some hotels will embrace their ghosts, but the Arlington is not one of those hotels. If you’re going to ask someone if they’ve seen any ghosts or heard stories, do it when nobody else is around. You could ask specific questions such as “are there any boarded up rooms in the Arlington,” or in the bar ask about the bottle that was said to jump off the shelf. You could perhaps ask, “What kind of liquor was it?”

Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts

34 Reviews

  1. Kalaya

    I just stayed in the Arlington on January 11-13 2018. And it is true that a mans laughter can be heard. Also on the 5th floor (the floor I stayed in) in the conference room it will get very chilly then warm up at random. And in the 4th floor bathhouse and vending machine area, you can hear knocking on the service elevator. And Ghost Hunters have actually been there. The Tv will change channels, things will knock on your door. It’s really creepy. If you go up on the stairway past the 7th floor you’ll get yelled at and told you can’t go up there. Apparently they lead to the bell towers, where you are supposed to be able to see a young woman dressed in a wedding gown looking up at the stars at night.

    January 24, 2018 at 2:44 pm Reply
    1. Emma

      I was there on the 25th of January. Me and my friend was in the vending machine area on the 4th floor and the elevators would open and close by themselves

      March 23, 2018 at 1:04 am Reply
      1. Kaylee

        I just stayed at the Arlington hotel and I woke up at 3 am to the fealing that someone was watching me and I heard the fountain turn on and off

        May 19, 2019 at 10:50 am Reply
  2. Riley Long

    I have never stayed in the Arlington but I live in Arkansas and I go to Hot Springs often. My nana and paw paw take all of us older grandkids to Hot Springs every summer. Last summer we stopped inside the Arlington to look around because my nana really likes the Arlington hotel. While I was waiting in a chair in the lobby bathroom area I saw an African Amercian gentleman. He was wearing old-fashioned clothes, he had one of those glass circle things that go on your eye I’m not sure what they’re called, he would never blink, and he would never talk. He would always look straight ahead and walk from the bathrooms to the front door, up the stairs, and back down and repeat those motions. He looked almost transparent but he also looked too real to be dead. He was quite terrifying but I’m not sure what the deal was. About 5 minutes before I left he was gone and I never saw him again.

    January 27, 2018 at 8:24 am Reply
  3. arlington worker

    Just a clarification on Al capones room
    He did rent out the 4th floor but 422 was not his room it is suite 443.

    May 24, 2018 at 5:55 pm Reply
  4. Leah Weaver

    We were in the 4th floor and had trouble getting our door open in room 424 and it was opened when we first arrived while other doors were closed so we set our stuff out and the 3rd time we tried to get in the door wouldn’t budge so we went to get maitneince and soon as they came the door opened and we made it in. It was the 4th floor so.

    June 25, 2018 at 9:57 pm Reply
  5. A

    Lights flicker on and off. Elevator opens and closes at random. Weird noises. Nasty rooms, too. Haha

    June 28, 2018 at 4:24 pm Reply
  6. Bob Coleman

    I attended a large conference at the Arlington Hotel in Hot Springs, over a 3 day 2 night event several years ago. No question, its a place with a lot of ‘paranormal’ activity. The temperature in our room would inexplicably go from too cold to a odd stuffy ‘hot’, especially during the night. … even with windows closed and the central air fixed at 72 degrees. The phone in our toom rang 3 or 4 times, in the middle of the night, with no one on the other end. When we called the hotel operator, she told us no one had called. I was speaking to one of the hotel employees about this, a kind older lady who had been working there for over 30 years. She told us the employees were warned by the management not to talk about these ‘unusual acvity’ incidents as the hotel was struggling financially, and the management did not want to discourage guest bookings with ‘ghost’ stories. She had some amazing stories of apparitions encountered by hotel employess & guests. She also spoke of the lobby bar piano, which is a standard baby grand piano (not a player piano), that would start playing by itself late at night when the bar was closed. The management eventually moved the piano into a store room.

    Some rooms are in dire need of major upgrades….but the hotel is full of character, and unusal activity. Staff were awesome. Location is great.

    July 25, 2018 at 5:28 pm Reply
  7. Donna

    Unaware of any “haunted” stories, my husband and I booked a room at The Arlington several years ago. We arrived after dark and were very tired from the long drive. We were very impressed with the staff and the beautiful, historic hotel. Our room was on the 4th floor almost directly across from the elevators. We unpacked, showered and decided to get into bed to watch tv for a bit. Our room had an adjoining room door next to the tv/dresser. After a bit, my husband fell asleep and I was reading something on my iPad….television still turned on. Suddenly, I heard the door knob on the adjoining room door (directly) across from the foot of our bed) start to turn. At first I thought maybe it was something on the tv so I quickly turned on the lamp and turned down the volume. I did not hear anyone next door in that room. Then…it happened again, this time with a bit more force. It was a light bumping sound and the door knob was slightly turning. I could hear what sounded like people whispering. I PANICKED. I was so scared I couldn’t move for a moment. My only thought was that whoever was in that room was about to come in and rob us or maybe just drunk and playing around. After a few seconds I can remember taking my arm and flinging it on my husband to wake up. I was sitting straight up staring at the door. When he finally realized something was going on and saw the knob turning…he yelled out….”Hey we are in this room….you can’t open this door.” He instructed me to immediately call the front desk, which I did. I explained that she needed to let the people next door know that we are in the adjoining room and to please stop messing with the door. I was informed that no one was in that room, nor was it ever used due to a maintenance issue. I firmly told her someone was in there. She said it was probably housekeeping or the maintenance people working on repairs. IT WAS 1:30 AM!
    Who does that at 1:30 AM?????
    Still not realizing that something “ghostly” had happened, I decided the next morning to get online and read reviews of issues at the hotel. To my surprise……I found all sorts of paranormal tales.
    Still not believing, I decided it had to have been employees in there for some reason. My husband, who does not easily get excited, was a bit upset over this as well. He didn’t talk much for the remainder of our stay and actually moved the dresser over the door. While in the car on our way back home, he explained to me that he felt something paranormal had happened. I was baffled by his response. He then explained that the door knob could not have turned and shook like it did from the other side of the door because there is no HANDLE on the inside of the adjoining room doors. He’s right! There is no explanation for what happened and I will never forget that moment. I wish I could rewind and watch and listen more carefully.
    Yes, we have been back many times but have not stayed on that floor.

    December 31, 2018 at 1:03 pm Reply
    1. Tami jordan

      Omg this happened to us a few months ago. Someone was seriously trying to get in. Scared my grandkids so bad. The next day i was telling my daughter bt it laughing at myself for being spooked. She said no one could turn the mob bcuz there wasnt one on the other side. I checked and she was right. Pretty crazy. We had a experience a few years ago where my daughter sat her guitar on the chair across the room. We turned the light off and went to sleep. Sometime later we were awakened to someone strumming her guitar. Yea… i dont spook easily but that night we kept the lights on lol.

      May 24, 2020 at 11:19 pm Reply
    2. Paula B

      I was on the 6th floor. 2024. I did not know about the haunting. My sister researched and started sending me reports. I prayed over my room🤔. I noticed the adjoining door had the knob removed for that very reason.

      November 8, 2024 at 12:21 pm Reply
  8. Joann Mckown

    My sister and I went for a late night soak in the hot tub at the pool area. We got out around 2am. Headed back to our room. Then realized she had left her handbag so we went back to the pool to retrieve it. We got the back then headed back into the hotel. We entered onto the 7th floor which is the main pool entrance. From the entrance, it’s a straight shot hallway to the elevator at the end. We got to the elevators and when I hit the elevator button we realized the elevator said we were on the 6th floor. We said aloud in sincerity, ‘The 6th floor?!?’

    Baffled and dumbfounded. We stood and stared for a long while the elevator open and closed over and over…. as the reality set in that we entered on the 7th floor and now we are on the 6th floor from simply walking down the hall!!! We turned back and went to the door we had come in from and it was DIFFERENT outside!!!!

    The hallway was thick and heavy feeling. Drab and humid in the air although I had a chill. The hair stood on the back. As we walked down the hall music and noises and whispers came from behind every room door. We had been put onto another floor. We were PUT onto a different floor!!! I stand now just completely baffled and fully believe in paranormal activity at the Arlington. Before this experience, I had no idea the hotel was haunted. And now that I read other people’s experiences it makes a LOT of sense.

    April 13, 2019 at 8:17 pm Reply
  9. Fox

    I stayed there back in 2014 on a family trip to Illinois. About ten minutes before even getting to the hotel room I got super sick despite feeling perfectly fine during the drive from Texas. We got on our room I think we were staying on the fifth or third floor.

    Now, this next part might sound very movie-ish, but on my great-great-grandmother Helen’s life it’s the truth. The entire room was covered in bugs especially in this one corner (very important to the story). I immediately went to bed and slept like a rock until roughly around 7 pm to the sound of my mom and my stepdad brother and sister coming in the room. Apparently, on their walk around the hotel, my stepdad who’s a 7the-degree black belt tripped right after yelling at my little brother. He swears to this day that something pulled him which would make a hell of a lot more sense if you knew the guy personally.

    Fast forward as my mom and stepdad get in a little tiff my stepdad wants everyone to go to bed so that we can be well rested for tomorrow to head back to Texas since he fell and hurt himself. My mom who at the time didn’t have a drinking issue decided to go to the bar by herself and ordered cocktails even. The woman is a wine and beer drinker, but at the time I didn’t think anything of this. It was around 10:00 pm and my mom little sister and I decided we should actually go back to our room and get some sleep.

    Now, my mother throughout the entire walk from the bar to the lift to the room was swearing up and down about how pissed she was about my stepdad ruining her vacation. Which didn’t sit well with my sister or I because that’s not something my mom would say normally. So little sister and I chopped it up to the fact that mom was off her head and issued a fair warning to our stepdad before my mom got to the room.

    The next 3 hours were the scariest of my life. From the time we arrived to 10:30 pm more bugs had gathered around in the corner like a noticeable amount. My stepdad and mom proceeded to get into one of the biggest fights that to this day still haven’t surpassed. I remember my moms’ voice kept on changing she has this distinct Massachusetts accent but she sounded very southern. My stepdad throughout the argument was bewildered at the entire thing. He kept on saying things like “what’s wrong with you.” “Why are you acting this way.” “Can we please go to bed I’m really hurt from the fall.” “I’m sorry I upset you can we please go to bed.” Now my stepdad normally isn’t the one to admit he’s wrong or apologize right off the bat so that stuck out like a bleeding thumb.

    The arguing got worse and my younger brother and sister were absolutely terrified of what was going on. I don’t exactly remember what happened next, but someone in the room got fed up with the arguing and said they thought it was the room that everyone had been off since we got here. My stepdad who is a Physicist surprisingly agreed while my Pagan mom said that’s ridiculous. We all held hands like you would do at a family gathering when you’re about to say grace and stood in the center of the room. I remember my brother and I holding each other’s hands so tight it felt like our bones were about to break. My stepdad said something around the lines of “spirit we mean you no harm.”

    Now, I’d like to take the moment to point out a very crucial fact. We were the only ones staying on the floor and no one was above us because the entire floor above us was shut down for renovations. When my stepdad said “spirit” there was this low growl. My stepdad went on saying things like “we mean you no harm.” “Your time has come to leave.” I remember clear as day. The moment my stepdad had said your time has come to leave, there where three loud bangs where all the bugs where. I remember the terrified look on my sister’s face and my Mom was almost sobbing. My brother and I were both shaking and my step dad was the only one keeping his cool.

    Now if the banging had only happened once I’d say “eh probably bad pipes.” But the fact there where three knocks at two different times with no prior knocks seems more likely that Casper-the-pissed-off-ghost is paying us a little visit. Anyways, we were holding hands while my stepdad said, “spirit it is your time to go there is nothing left in this world for you.” Three loud knocks. “Spirit it is time for you to pass on.” Another grown. “Spirit be gone it is time for you to pass over.” The air started to get heavier I could feel my heart beating fast, my sister was crying, my brother was shaking. “Spirit it’s time for you to leave this world.” “NOOO!” It was clear as day someone another person or thing not any one of us had yelled. My stepdad kinda raised his voice, “spirit, I said, it is time for you to pass on.” There was a painful scream. “Spirit be gone there’s nothing left for you in this world.” One last loud as hell bang.

    My mom and stepdad didn’t resume fighting instead they hugged and kissed each other and then expected all of us to go to bed. Yeah right, I just lived through a Stephen King book like hell I’m actually going to go to bed. My brother and sister and I all got into the same bed despite there being an extra bed unoccupied throughout the entire night. My sister brother and I whispered really dirty jokes to each other. The next day when we got up my splitting headache was gone along with all the bugs. What was remaining of the corner was a dark grey mass. My mom being the chatty woman she is told one of the hotel workers about the entire ordeal and instead of getting laughed at the hotel worker showed us some pictures she had captured with her phone of two silhouettes in the back seat of her car holding their hands in prayer. She said that she had had children walk up to her and tell her that the ghosts that followed her were protecting her. We said our goodbyes to the hotel my mom and stepdad will probably never go back for the rest of their lives, but my sister and I still fantasize about renting a room together and setting up videotapes to see if we can catch anything spooky. What would I give to to back in time and record the entire experience.

    April 20, 2019 at 7:43 am Reply
  10. Wyatt

    Al Capone stayed in room 443 the reason being is that in the closet he would go down a tunnel under central avenue to go down to the Southern club.

    June 24, 2019 at 5:40 pm Reply
  11. Jamie Denham

    My friend and I were walking around either the 4th or 8th, not totally sure, and we were on the elevator to go down and we were deciding on what floor to go look around and then the elevator door opens after it was fully shut for a few seconds. me and my friend look at each other and i said wasn’t that door already fully shut. she replied yes! and both of our eyes widened. then we pressed the floor we were gonna go to and throughout the ride i felt a weird cold presence next to me, only on my left side. and when i got off it felt like someone or something was holding my arm not wanting me to get off.

    October 25, 2019 at 9:15 am Reply
  12. Holli

    Back in 2006 or 2007, i can’t remember exactly i was young, me my sister and my mom stayed at the Arlington hotel not knowing about any of the hauntings that happen here and had heard just that it was an old cool looking hotel. As soon as we got on our floor it was late and the hallway was so dark we could barely see where we were going and it felt very creepy we just knew something was off about the place already but it was super late and we had a long day we just wanted to sleep. So we all got in bed and didn’t turn the tv on because we were going straight to sleep and we’re all laying there almost asleep and the tv turned itself on but it was static. We couldn’t have accidentally turned it on the remote wasn’t near us it was on the dresser still. so my mom got up and turned it off but it turned on again more static, we were spooked now, we turned it off again and back on the tv turns. My mom got up and unplugged the tv and thankfully that was it didn’t turn back on but we never forgot how scared we all were. We still talk about it all these years later. finally, I decided to look up the hotel and found out it was haunted but honestly, we’re not surprised we’ve always said as soon as we got in that hotel it felt like it was haunted and now it’s just confirmed. I haven’t read anyone else having their TVs turned on but reading everyone else’s stories I’m glad that’s all we experienced and we were only there for a short night.

    January 7, 2020 at 2:28 am Reply
  13. Sunshine Kulp

    My stay at the Arlington was actually pretty funny. The paranormal interests me, and the night that I stayed there, the fan would go off and on, and would make strange noises from time to time. Sometimes it would sound like whispering. I stayed on the 4th floor.

    April 27, 2020 at 6:39 am Reply
  14. L.A. Bryant

    Mid July 2018 – We stayed in a room on the 4th floor. I don’t remember the number. My daughter, husband and I were laying on the bed. I was reading and I wasn’t paying attention to the other two. One of them was moving the bed by shaking their leg but when I asked them to stop, neither said they were moving and neither felt the bed move. 😬the next morning my daughter told us that in the night she woke up and said she saw a man standing next to the bed by me. Creepy!

    April 28, 2020 at 8:12 pm Reply
    1. Niki

      We were at the hotel in June 2017 and stayed on the 4th floor. When we got into the room, the bathroom sink had dirt in it like it sprayed up from the sink pipes and splattered all around. Didn’t think much of it and washed the sink out. Hubby and I fixed a cocktail and sat on the bed talking about what to eat for dinner. There was a loud crash and the full length bathroom mirror nailed to the bathroom door came off and shattered all over! We called the front desk to ask them to clean up – we were going to dinner and would be back in a couple of hours. Went to main dining room for buffet dinner. Half way through dinner I felt a heaviness come over me. The room seemed like it dimmed and it was hard for me to breathe. We paid the check and got out of there! Went to the bar and enjoyed the live music. After an hour or so we decided to go back to our room. The mirror had been cleaned but the dirt was back in the bathroom sink. Hubby went to vending area near the spa to fill up the ice bucket. I was alone in the room and the same heaviness came over me but then all the hairs on my arms and neck stood up…..I ran out of the room into the hallway to wait for my husband. I told him i was afraid to go back in the room b/c something was in there! We finally settled into bed for some much needed sleep. Woke up to what sounded like someone using our bathroom but my hubby was next to me in bed. I barely slep that night.

      June 24, 2021 at 12:48 pm Reply
  15. Paul Boudreau

    The hotel needs a facelift badly. The shower in room 1040 was awesome but the sink was very weak. The bed was super comfortable. The view was nice. The nostalgia of this hotel was very impressive. My wife claims to have felt something or someone touching her head and heard noises. But I experienced nothing. Maybe the ghost are practicing social distancing.

    June 21, 2020 at 10:43 am Reply
  16. Amber

    We stayed at the hotel sometime in the late 90’s with my cousins & my aunt (we were all teenagers). One afternoon, my cousin & I had decided to go looking around the hotel lobby out of boredom. We went to go back to our room, so we got on the elevator & hit 7 for our floor. We both watched the numbers and even remembered noticing the number 7 on the door frame of the elevator when we got off. When we got to where our room was supposed to be, we realized the number was wrong. We both looked at each other, and then turned to look down the hallway and saw the Al Capone suite. We were so spooked we both took off running for the elevator. I also remember getting off the elevator in the basement, and then the elevator would never come back so we had to take stairs or something to get out of there. That entire hotel was spooky.

    July 29, 2020 at 12:58 pm Reply
  17. Cherokee Jones

    This happened only a few weeks ago, my mother and I were staying here after seeing it online. It looked nice and we had no idea it was haunted, or anything like that. When we got into the lobby I felt like someone was following us but I ignored it. We then got into the elevator, and not to mention, I have a big fear of elevators, but it was fine since we had our dogs with us and another woman. The elevator stopped at the 4th floor, and we all looked at eachcother. None of us picked that floor.. We all pressed the same buttons and got to our floor… was freaked out but it didn’t phase anybody else so I shook it off.cWe stayed on the 6 floor in room 663 or 667? Somewhere around that area of the hallway. We had our dogs with us and usually when we stay in a hotel they are fine. But this time, as soon as we started walking down the hallway they just stopped and started growling and whining. We hurried to our room and as soon as we got in it was very.. run down. Some of the things were broken or rusty, the wallpaper peeled in a few certain areas. I had a very uneasy feeling and started to feel sick. I looked up the hotel and its history and when we realized it was haunted we both were a little spooked. But, we fell asleep easily with the TV on in the background at around 12 am. We both woke up at about 1:30 am to my dogs barking at a corner and scratching noises coming from the doorway/bathroom/closet area. They stopped as soon as we turned the lights on. The TV turned off by itself so we turned it back on and went back to bed. I woke up at about 3:30 am to someone tapping my arm but when i opened my eyes nobody was there. I had nightmares of that place ALL night. We got up early and left quickly, Now we vowed to never go back.

    August 18, 2020 at 5:03 pm Reply
  18. Scared Unsuspecting Patron

    My husband, 4 yo daughter, Newfoundland dog, and I stayed at the Arlington on October 23rd to 24th, 2020. I was unaware that the hotel was haunted, but definitely felt the macabre the moment we entered the town. My first thought when we arrived was that the town was straight out of the movie Deliverance.

    During our stay my husband and I put our daughter to bed in one of the two queen beds in the room. My husband went to bed in another and I drew a bath in the mineral bathtub. When I got out of the bathtub the closet door was wide open. None of us had opened the closet door and it was without a doubt closed before we went to bed/I got into the bath.

    I felt like something was off and decided to sleep in my daughters bed instead of with my husband because I was worried about her safety in the room. A few hours after going to sleep I woke suddenly with a splitting headache. I spent the whole night in and out of a light sleep and feeling like we weren’t alone in the room with an inexplicable feeling that I had to protect my daughter while she slept.

    In the morning I checked the closet door and it was perfectly balanced on its hinges. There was no air source from inside the closet that could have caused a pressure change and pushed it open. My husband and I are certain it was closed before bedtime and no one else could have opened it.

    We stayed in room 667, I believe. When you got off the elevator on the 6th floor and it’s a few rooms past the elevator bank on the opposite side.

    I will definitely not be staying there again because it was run down, but more importantly because it was an absolutely terrifying and miserable night.

    The next day I got a treatment in the bathhouse and I recommend it. The water in all of hot springs leaves skin feeling perfectly smooth and soft. I suspect the water that comes from the tap might be high in minerals as well, but I’ve never looked it up.

    October 27, 2020 at 7:26 pm Reply
  19. Kerry Brix

    Stayed 5/29. On the 11th floor. I asked the desk guy if the Arlington has hauntings and he immediately said. “Yes no question about it.” He said specifically floors 8, 9 and 11. Rooms 1113 and 824. He said 824 is very active. He said there is no doubt about it. Staff and guests report activity. Sightings and images have been captured.

    May 31, 2021 at 3:34 pm Reply
  20. macie hull

    Me and my mom were doing the mineral bath in the hotel after the bath i was laying there for a massage and i felt tugging at my feet. and i moved my foot back and just thought it was my imagination so i put my foot back. and 5 minutes went pass and i felt tugging again . so i pulled again and waited i put my foot back and it almost pulled the sheet off of me.
    that same night i was in bed and my mom was asleep , and i was scared out of my mind from the stories so i was playing on my phone to get my mind strait .Around 12;30, i looked up towards the T.V and saw a black shadowy figure at the foot of my bed I woke my mom up instantly, and the black shadowy figure was gone nowhere to be seen!

    July 10, 2021 at 10:23 am Reply
  21. Justin

    Me and my friend went on the 4th floor all the light went out to the lobby our friends slit up from us we went walking down the hallway and there were 2 doors to the next hallway they were shut and we saw a man standing there with black pants and black shirt standing in front of the door we both ran and me and my friend spit up in the dark hallway my friend told me that the man was chasing her since she was close and she lost him…… rumor says that was the bellman

    July 11, 2021 at 9:03 pm Reply
  22. Veronica Washington

    We were staying on the 5th floor in room 511. We seen a shadow in the corner of the room by the mini fridge. The closet would also open by itself, and throughout the night we heard glass rattling, almost like someone was knocking on the window, we had also seen a shadow go by the window a little while after. We heard a loud bang from the bathroom, and the bathroom door had closed while the last person in there had left it open. We heard voices and seen the other bed move like someone had pushed it. We were also in the vending/ice machine room on the 5th floor and the elevators had opened a closed a few times, and he heard voices coming from inside of them… yet no one had exited the elevator. My mother had also felt someone touch her arm..and there was a red mark on it. Okay that’s all for now ttyl

    July 19, 2021 at 1:22 am Reply
  23. Hayleigh Bailey

    me & my boyfriend came just from there we were there for about 45 mins.
    We went to the 10 floor, spotted this long thick hallway. We felt followed & watched the whole time. We left, something told him that we needed to go back in. We did. We walked around feeling things.
    We left & then as we read yalls replies we felt goosebumps.

    December 7, 2021 at 6:30 pm Reply
  24. Amelia

    Stayed in room 823 with my parents. During the night I would hear things being dropped or moved around in room 824. One of the nights we stayed, my parents said they were awoken by violent knocking on the front door. Spooky. Disregarding the hauntings though.. Really nice hotel in my opinion. The staff were nice and the hotel was clean.

    June 15, 2022 at 9:50 pm Reply
  25. Squirrel

    My boyfriend and I stayed three nights in rm 828. We didn’t know the hotel was haunted until after our own experiences and until after we left and found stories online. One notable thing we read was about all the hotel rooms that have been boarded up and walled over. Including the room next to us, 827.

    When we first checked in, we noticed that the hotel is very old historic and a touch creepy. My bf made light of this by humming scary movie theme songs as we went down hallways and explored the hotel.

    We didn’t know there wasn’t anyone in the room next to us, or that it was boarded up (827). I read later that it was boarded up and inaccessible to guests. I had heard voices in that room and things moving around. It wasn’t very clear and I didn’t pay much attention at the time. Just thought there were people in the next room. NBD right?.. oh boy..

    The last night that we stayed my bf had the spook of his life. When he went into the bathroom, he saw a man standing behind him in the mirror. He was frozen in shock but then let out a yelp and turned on the bathroom light. You have to fully enter the bathroom to reach the light switch.. Turning on the light made the man disappear. I was sitting on the bed and heard him yell out and asked him what was wrong. He sat on the bed shaking his head saying he didn’t even want to tell me. Eventually he explained that he saw a man behind him in the mirror. The man he saw was young, wearing a black suit with a white tie. I went over and felt for cold air and looked in the mirror for myself. I didn’t see anything but was still a bit shaken.

    Later in the night, our boarder collie yelped and cried kicking in the night. We woke her and she jumped up onto the bed with us growling and whimpering in the dark facing the bathroom. That is very odd behavior for her. She is a well trained service dog. At the time I thought she was just having a nightmare but now I wonder if something had her spooked. Must be a real jerk of a ghost to mess with our sweet service dog..

    Overall, I did like the hotel and the hot tub outside on the 7th floor. We had a great time and would recommend it if you aren’t afraid of being messed with my ghosts. I never felt scared or anxious. Even after these occurrences I can honestly say I was at ease. That’s odd too really. I’m typically very scared of ghosts and things that go bump in the night.

    My grandma used to accompany the mob in KC. Maybe I’m immune because I’m her descendant? Lol. That’s what I’d like to think anyways. 😜

    November 15, 2022 at 5:43 am Reply
  26. Craig

    It was late summer of 2005. I vacationed in Hot Springs for a week, and stayed at the Arlington. The first night I was there, the clock radio went off blasting loud at 4:00 a.m. My first thought was some kid who probably stayed with his parents, set the clock when they checked out as a joke. But I was in a very small room on the 7th floor, and there was only one bed, a standard size. Not the type of bed an adult and teen would share, as it was small. The next day, the door knob on an adjoining room kept turning. I thought the people in the room next door were trying to get into my room. I later went down to the desk, and asked the clerk to tell those people to stop turning the door knob. He said there was no one in that room. During the next few days, the shower kept turning on by itself. Then what really freaked me out, is one evening I was sitting on the bed watching t. v. I always used to set up the coffee maker for the next day in the evening, so when I woke up, I would just have to push a button to get my coffee. While I was watching t. v. that evening, all of a sudden the coffee maker turned on by itself, and started brewing coffee.

    April 1, 2023 at 7:01 pm Reply
  27. Kelli

    It’s been a few years since me and my husband stayed at the Arlington hotel but it still creeps me out telling the story. My aunt and her bf was staying there too on the same floor, a couple of rooms down. ( 2nd floor maybe) when we 1st arrived into the room my husband realized he left something in the car, that was parked way down the road I. A parking garage. ( around 1 am) he left to go get what he needed out of the car. I stayed in the room sitting on the bed playing on my phone. I wanted to know more Bout this hotel so I started reading about it. I read some strange reviews that left me a little on edge but didn’t think much of it. Anyway we both layer down and was getting ready for sleep. It was so stinking hot in there. We couldn’t find the thermostat for nothing. So we just kept the ceiling fan on and tried to sleep. I kept thinking about the thing I read and just couldn’t fall asleep. Hot and bothered lol my husband on the other hand fell right to sleep. Around 3am I heard what sounded like baby mobil music coming from the hallway. I woke my husband uo and was like wth is that. He brushed it off and said it was probably someone’s ring tone and their walking down the hallway. I was freaked out. Staring at the dang doorknob and window all night from the stories I heard. Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep. Got up around 7ish and got ready fast so I could get out of there. The next night I had a few drinks in the lobby so I could sleep lol…

    October 29, 2023 at 8:03 am Reply
  28. D Spencer

    It’s been awhile since I had the pleasure of staying at the Arlington Hotel. The year was 1980. I was at the hotel for a convention. I was staying in room 304, close to the elevator. We had had a wonderful lunch in the hotel and had 30 minutes left before we broke back out in sessions. There was a long line in the lady’s restroom; so, I decided to run back to my room instead of waiting. I was in the restroom in my hotel room, when I heard a knock on the door. Then, a little boy and girl laughed as they went down the hallway bouncing a ball( it sounded like). I thought, “wow,” some parents need to watch their children.

    As I was finishing the restroom, another knock on the door followed by giggles and the sound of a bouncing ball. I said out loud, “Yall need to behave.” I sat down in my room and was deciding which session I wanted to attend when another knock on the door, giggles and now a loud bouncing ball. I jumped up and ran to the door, yanked it open and pierced into an empty hallway. I looked around the corner and a woman was standing by the elevator. I asked her if she had seen the children and she looked at me like I was nuts. I called the front desk and complained that kids were running up and down the hallway and banging on my door. She said she would alert staff to be on the lookout for the two little mischievous pranksters.

    I left my room and went down to my session. After it was over, I went to the front desk and talked to the young girl behind the register. I wanted to know if they had been caught; no luck but she initially gave me a funny look. I knew she knew something. After coming in from enjoying Hot Springs that evening, I hung back from my friends and went to the desk and she was the only one there. I reminded her who I was and that from her reaction, I could tell she knew something. She shared that they were told to keep quiet about unexplained experiences. She told me she had heard the same story from people that had stayed in the room. I thanked her for being honest and went back to my room. As I went to sleep that night, I asked them to rest because I needed them to rest so that I could. I didn’t hear anything else. I never felt afraid, just perplexed.

    February 16, 2024 at 11:09 am Reply
  29. TERRY

    Me and my wife stayed 1 night 12-13-2024 . This was my wifes birthday and she wanted to stay there. We listened to a band that was playing in the lobby that night. At about 11:30 we decided to go to our room 640 . We watched a little tv and then decided to go to bed because we were tired. We didnt hear anything but i had a tall hard plastic tumbler with a screw on lid . All it had was a straw hole in the lid and it was full of sweet tea. I set it on the night stand which was about a foot from the bed. When we got up about 7:30 that next morning it was in the floor standing perfectly upside down . It droped about 2 feet .the straw was bent over and it was still full of tea. But like i said we never heard anything. There was no way i could have knocked it off. I just thought it was weird and have no explenation. I didnt tell anybody about it but i cant quit thinking about it. I wish i could have seen or heard something. I would like to stay again . I live in Greenbrier arkansas less than 2 hours away.

    December 17, 2024 at 5:50 pm Reply

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