Fort East Martello Museum. Home to Robert the Haunted Doll.
The Fort East Martello Museum is home to the Robert the Doll aka, Robert the Haunted Doll. People come from all over the world to see famed artist Gene Otto’s even more famous counterpart, Robert the Doll. Gene kept Robert the Doll with him until his passing in 1974. Robert is said to have been cursed by a Bahamian servant who made the doll out of wire, hay, old clothes and some of Gene Otto’s own hair.

Robert the Doll in his glass case in Fort East Martello Museum in Key West, FL
This haunted doll receives tons of fanmail every day asking for his forgiveness for museum goers taking his picture. People’s luck has turned dramatically to the unfortunate. Do you have the will to come eye to eye with the doll that inspired Child’s Play and helped put Annabelle on the map? If so, you should ask Robert’s permission before you take his picture.