304 South Main Street, Alturas, CA 96101, USA
Hotel Niles

This haunt is in need of information. Why is it here? We've had reports that this location is indeed haunted. Our specter crew has this haunt in processing and will be updating its information shortly. If you have a story related to this location, please share it with us below or contact us.
Happy Haunting,
The FrightFind Crew
Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts
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My wife and I stayed at the Niles in 2009. We are not ghost hunters and I thought she’d be excited by the charm, but what happened was the scariest sleep of our lives. My wife did a blog post with some photos at http://www.winkeland.com/2009/09/corner-of-395-and-299.html?m=1
Short story with just the scary bits. I booked the hotel by finding an email for the owner at that time. When we arrived at hotel, the front door was locked. All the doors are locked. The barber around the corner saw us walking around and offered to call the person who watches over the hotel for us.It’s a small town, so everyone knows everyone. A man in his mid-30s showed up and open the door. That’s when we learned that we were the only people staying in this three-story, turn of the century hotel. He turned on the lights for us as he walked up the stairs and down the halls. Our room was on the second floor in the front. Right when we got there, we heard someone calling downstairs. He went to go check it out and we followed him not wanting to be left alone at that moment. It was a man and a woman who are excited to see the front door was open because they were ghost hunters.They begged to stay the night, but the man couldn’t allow it because we had made special arrangements earlier with the owner. I asked him point-blank the hotel was haunted, and he assured me no. That night, there were strange sounds coming from the third floor which my wife described as the sounds of pots and pans. I don’t think I got a wink of sleep. The next morning, the man came to check us out and offered a tour of the hotel in the daylight. He suggested we check out the third floor, since that’s “the haunted one.” The staircase between the second and third floor had several very creepy pieces of taxidermy. There were two scary moments the third floor. The first was when we looked into one of the rooms with an open door and saw that it was a children’s room as evidenced by the abandoned toys. The second was as he was giving his tour, he pointed out one room and said we can’t go in there. No one goes in there.