555 S Alamo St, San Antonio, TX 78205, USA
Marriott Plaza San Antonio

This haunt is in need of information. Why is it here? We've had reports that this location is indeed haunted. Our specter crew has this haunt in processing and will be updating its information shortly. If you have a story related to this location, please share it with us below or contact us.
Happy Haunting,
The FrightFind Crew
Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts
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(508) 675-7333
230 2nd St, Fall River, MA 02721, United States
The Haunted Lizzie Borden House Lizzie Borden took an axe And gave her mother forty whacks. Read more…
On August 1&2, 2017 we stayed at the Marriott Plaza in room 624 my daughter was changing clothes and seen a persons eye looking at her in the bathroom through the vent, later that evening she was getting ready to take a shower and seen both eyes looking at her through the same vent, she ran out and told us what she had seen. I did not believe her and thought she was making it up. Between 2 & 3 am I heard someone knocking at the door my daughters and I heard it when I got up to see who was there no one was at the door, we thought that was strange. The second night I took a shower and noticed in the mirror from the steam a message that said F__you A__hole, thought that was strange. Later that evening around 2&3 am my daughter and I heard someone/something in our bathroom sounded like someone moving around moving things on the counter then we heard something drop. I got up and to see and did not see anything unusual, 30 minutes later we heard a knock in the bathroom door. We thought the hotel was really noisy, mind you we did NOT know the place was haunted until we left the hotel.
We stayed at the hotel today 2/25/18 it’s a very unique vibe for sure there. I was in a room across the Victoria house. I didn’t see much activity, but for some reason at 2:05am I was wide awake and me and my husband couldn’t sleep. The vibe was weird and that’s as much as I can explain what we felt. We looked up the hotel and sure enough. The only weird thing happened when I had my kids with me we went to the elevator and pressed 1 and it took us to 5 I didn’t realize that it was the wrong floor so I got off. When I went to turn around the door closed and I realized that I was on the 5th floor, it was freaking awful there I felt like it took and eternity for the elevator to come back and again pressed 1 and now was sent to the basement. I was kinda freaked out but I had my kids and didn’t want to get them upset. I was finally able to get off that horrible elevator on the right floor. It might be a messed up elevator but I was spooked. This happened before I looked up this hotel. That’s how I found frightfind.