Montgomery House

Kalama, WA   /   3 Reviews

S 1st St, Kalama, WA 98625, USA

This bed and breakfast is considered one of the most haunted locations in Washington. It’s been featured in a documentary called Montgomery House: The Perfect Haunting. For years, the bed and breakfast was haunted by solid apparitions as well as voices. The house was built on a location that used to house an entire Native American tribe that died when the settlers came to America. After the filming, the owners of the bed and breakfast moved and sold the house. It’s a private home now.

Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts

3 Reviews

  1. Patty Valdez

    I am the Lead Investigator for South Sound Paranormal Research, we were the only team ever allowed to investigate Montgomery House. Yes, we were filmed for the Documentary “Montgomery House the perfect haunting”. We stayed on location for 4 days and 3 night. We reordered over 50 hours of audio and video at work this location. If you want to know if this home is haunted? The answer is “Yes”.

    August 6, 2019 at 4:13 pm Reply
    1. admin (Listing owner)

      Hi Patty,
      Would you like to tell your story? Perhaps a call or interview?

      August 7, 2019 at 5:48 pm Reply
  2. J. Jackson

    I grew up in an extremely haunted house in Longview WA, I had something almost yank me out of bed same thing happened to everyone that slept in that room, we also seen a little boy with blood red eyes in the hallway. I think the scariest thing I ever saw was my aunt being picked up and smacked by an invisible force.

    July 24, 2023 at 1:51 am Reply

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