521 SW 6th St., Redmond, OR 97756, USA
New Redmond Hotel

This haunt is in need of information. Why is it here? We've had reports that this location is indeed haunted. Our specter crew has this haunt in processing and will be updating its information shortly. If you have a story related to this location, please share it with us below or contact us.
Happy Haunting,
The FrightFind Crew
Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts
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I’ve known many people who have worked in the building, and they all have their own ghost stories. I lived in an apartment in the second floor of the adjoining Atkinson building, and it was definitely haunted. My partner and I would often see orbs floating around, especially late at night when most of our lights were off. One night while on my way to bed, I walked through what I thought was a spider web in my hallway, and as I reached up to pull it away from my face, what I thought was the web appeared to be the bottom of a woman’s dress, and as I touched it, it lit up in a rainbow of bright flourescent colors. I could clearly see her boots and the lacy hem of her dress, what looked like early 1900’s style, walk up a non-existent stairway and disappear into the hallway wall. I would have assumed I had experienced some hallucination, if my partner walking right behind me hadn’t seen it as well. We moved out shortly after, not only because of continued ghostly interactions, but because A/C units, required to make the space livable in summer, continually failed, even when replaced with new units. We broke our lease and left.
What used to be the “Old Redmond Hotel” is now SCP. A trendy, healthy living driven hotel. The lobby is very cute, and everyone who works at the hotel is a delight… however the building itself has a presence.
My first stay which was for a week I was on the third floor. This was the the room and the floor I had the most unsettling week of my life. My first night my tv would not work, so I watched Tik Tok on my phone until my eyes began to heavy. That night I woke up to me yelling “HELP” in my sleep. I do not normally talk in my sleep. I had a dream about the hotel, well more like a nightmare. I kept my head covered the rest of the night and no matter what I heard I was not going to look. I am in my 30’s… this is not normal behavior for me.
The next day I told one of my co-workers, there were 4 of us staying there all in different rooms. I was the only one on the 3rd floor. They said they had an uneasy feeling as well. They felt it walking the second floor hallway.
The second day my key card would not work for me to gain access into my room.
The third day my a/c went out.
The fourth day I did not experience anything, but I was so tired. I was not sleeping while I was there.
My room on the 3rd floor also had a very odd smell, it wasn’t bad… but it wasn’t pleasant.
I also always felt the presence of a man standing by my door on the inside of my room. I think I might have seen him twice but I kept trying to rationalize it in my head while I was staying there.
If you like haunts and enjoy the different energies then I would suggest staying here. Request the 3rd floor. I also stayed on the second floor my second visit and did not have these experiences that I did on the 3rd floor.