2 Bridge St., Old Saybrook, CT 64750, USA
While there aren’t many spirits at the Saybrook Inn, there’s one that frequents some of the events at the wedding venue located on the grounds of the… Read more…
2 Bridge St., Old Saybrook, CT 64750, USA
While there aren’t many spirits at the Saybrook Inn, there’s one that frequents some of the events at the wedding venue located on the grounds of the… Read more…
Monroe, CT 06468, USA
In 2006, after many decades of countless paranormal investigations, famed demonologist Ed Warren passed away at the age of seventy-nine years old. Read more…
161 Seaside Ave, Westbrook, CT 06498, USA
The former owner of the Talcott House Bed and Breakfast is said to have died in a fire. Read more…
506 Main St S, Woodbury, CT 06798, USA
There are various reports of activity in this location. Investigators have had many of those happenings and were able to record EVPs and orbs. Read more…
34 Bridge St, New Milford, CT 67760, USA
While the spirits associated with this inn seem to keep themselves in two of the guest rooms, one guest felt like they were too much. Read more…
538 Greenwoods Rd W, Norfolk, CT 06058, USA
The building was erected in 1763, and in the early 1980s, it was listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Read more…
Routes 59 and, CT-136, Easton, CT 06612
From strictly a paranormal perspective, the state of Connecticut is a very interesting state. Read more…
93 Main St, Torrington, CT 06790, USA
Is the Yankee Pedlar Inn haunted? The Yankee Pedlar was built in 1891 in downtown Torrington, Connecticut. Read more…
109-111 Poquetanuck Rd, Preston, CT 06365, USA
This inn has been featured on television shows like Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal, and in Yankee magazine as well as CNN as a haunted inn. Read more…
60-122 Lynn Dr, Monroe, CT 06468, USA
The Warren’s Occult Museum in Monroe, Connecticut Most people who bring haunted or possessed objects into their homes do it by mistake, but not Ed and Lorraine… Read more…
208 Meriden Avenue, Southington, CT 06489, USA
The Snedeker House – The Haunting in Connecticut House Among paranormal historians, there are certain haunted house cases that are classic and legendary in their activity. Read more…
New Haven, CT 06520
Is Yale University Haunted? Yale University is one of the top-ranked Ivy League universities in the United States. Read more…