The Marshall House

Savannah, GA   /   22 Reviews

The Marshall House Haunted Hotel in Savannah, Georgia

The Marshall House was established in 1851 in Georgia’s oldest city of Savannah. The Marshall House would endure the Civil War and a bout of Yellow Fever early in its history, which provided a grand setting for the hotel to latch onto its ghostly inhabitants. Today the Marshall House is one of the most haunted hotels in America with a ghoulish history that might leave a few in disbelief.

Civil War Ghostly Remnants

During the Civil War Era, The Marshall House functioned as a Union hospital. In 1864, a frigid winter struck and the doctors were presented with a frightening problem. The doctors would be unable to bury the myriad of amputated arms and legs in the frozen ground. Their solution was grotesque in that it had them concealing the human remains underneath the floorboards throughout what is now the hotel.

It wasn’t until 1999 when the hotel was restored that workers uncovered the Marshall House’s gruesome secret. While replacing the hotel’s floorboards, the workers uncovered human remains. Little did they know the discovery would date back to the Civil War. Historians soon learned that the remains were from the old hospital and they were properly removed and the hotel restored. The ghosts of the Civil War had come full circle and the doctor’s secrets revealed.

Civil War Ghosts & Sightings at The Marshall House

The remains were cleared, but many paranormal remnants are still attached to the hotel. Ghosts envelop parts of the haunted hotel and have appeared as apparitions to guests. Many unexplained noises resonate in the late hours of night and even smells of rotting flesh inexplicably accost the senses. It has been reported on numerous accounts that the ghost of an amputee soldier walks aimlessly through the lobby of the hotel with his missing arm in hand as he beseeches guests to find him a surgeon.

Many Ghosts of Savannah’s Haunted Hotel

It is also said that the ghost of a woman haunts the ladies’ restroom and a stall will lock by itself. Late author Joel Chandler Harris was also a frequent visitor of The Marshall House before his passing, and various accounts have noted that there are times when the clacking of a typewriter can be heard reverberating from the room he used to stay in.

One guest reported being unable to sleep due to macabre noises and smells. At one point, she recounts, there was even the feeling of being touched by a paranormal presence. “I always felt very uneasy and utterly creeped-out at night,” she stated. She goes on to say that she “heard strange noises in the hall late at night” and that she was very unnerved by her paranormal experiences. She went on to report that her husband’s sleep was interrupted by what he said sounded “like a child giggling in the sitting area,” but when he got up to turn on the light no one was there.

There are many ghosts and haunts in Savannah, Georgia as it is noted as a historically haunted city. Savannah is home to a variety of ghost tours, haunted hotels, and spooky stories and The Marshall House one of the more famous haunt experiences in the state. If you stay at the Marshall, check in to hear some of the previous guest’s haunted stories as the hotel collects many of the spectacular tales for story time.

Haunted Rooms in the Marshall House

  • The 4th floor is where the most haunted activity has been reported.
  • Room 414 is the room that has had the most sightings. Children’s laughter can be heard. Doors have locked on their own and mysteriously unlatched.  Guests have had things move and often report a strange

What happened in Room 414? Are the ghosts of the Civil War finally at peace? Have all of the remains truly been discovered?

Marshall House Tips

If you want the 4th floor, book in advance. Also, when planning your stay at The Marshall House try for a Thursday or a Sunday as the hotel puts on a history talk in the library discussing the Marshalls, history of the haunted building, and the many stories and experiences with ghosts over the years. It makes for a great addition to your spooky stay.

Posted in Haunted Hotels, Most Haunted Places in America and Real Haunts

22 Reviews

  1. Nicole

    My husband and I stayed at the Marshall house last night with our 6 month old. I heard it was haunted but didn’t expect what happened to me! When we first got there we climbed out our window to the balcony and as we were standing out there.. one of the rocking chairs just started rocking. It wasn’t from wind, and none of the other chairs were rocking. It was like someone was sitting and rocking! It went on for a few minutes. Then, later in the night the three of us were all asleep in bed and I was woken by what felt like fingers tapping up my back and grabbed my shoulder. I started yelling and grabbed my husband. Needless to say I didn’t sleep for the rest of the night and heard all kinds of other noises. I heard a baby crying… tapping… I’m pretty sure my son was the only baby/kid in the whole hotel.

    March 14, 2017 at 11:30 am Reply
    1. Kenna

      What room did you stay in?

      September 19, 2018 at 2:10 pm Reply
  2. Mark Ray

    I stayed at this hotel next door to room 414 and heard at least 50 people walking back and forth in front of our door at 4:00am, but no talking or doors closing. Then it was as if they tried to push my door open but never touched the handle, then heard sounds like paper sliding under my door into our room. Then heavy shoe sounds like walking inside to our fireplace then the walking went thru the door. Then it sounded like little rocks hitting the floor in the fireplace then under our armoire. It turned out that sound was from children playing with marbles but there were no children next door and i was defiently freaked out of my mind. My hair on my neck stood up and goosebumps galore. This was heck of an adventure but completely unexpected. Goodbye Savannah, Ga.

    July 17, 2017 at 12:12 pm Reply
  3. Donnie Bolemon

    On Sept 18 while staying here with my girlfriend I can honestly say I belive I had an encounter. During the whole evening I was laughing at her and her friend about the ghost and history of the hotel. So they were very frightened and I was really enjoying teasing them all evening. We prepared our self for bed like normal and I had fallen asleep on my back in the bed next to my girlfriend. All of a sudden it was as if I was awake and something was sitting on me or laying on me and pressing me deep into the beds mattress. It was taking all the breath I had. It was as if I couldn’t catch my breath. I was reaching next me trying to awake my girlfriend to help me and when I was finally able to turn my head to the right there was this white stringy haired figure laying beside me and I couldn’t see my girlfriend hardly. I was trying to hard to lift my arm to put under her head to pick her up so she can see me and look at me. Obviously she never awoke and I was feeling myself abouty to faint (assuming all this happened I was sleeping I guess….). All of a sudden it was as if something hit me and I woke up and jumped straight up in the room and walked the floors I was cold to the bone (before going to sleep it was very warm like a typical motel room) I checked every where in the room cause I was very freaked out. Im 43 and I’ve never had a dream or experience like this ever in my life. The next morning I told everyone about my experience they all had a great laugh at my expense. I’m really unsure of what happened after all the stories and experiences I’ve read. It’s really made me rethink a lot since this happened. I do know that while laying awake for several hours after the event I finally admitted out loud “I believe” and I was able to drift off to sleep and never awoke again till morning. Only actually getting a few hours of sleep before giving 8 hours of lectures it was a tough day. It really made me replay that whole incident many times in my mind. The feelings I had the fear I experienced and actually feeling the pressure laying on me and could not move to over come it …. if anyone has had anything similar to this feel free to email me … I’ve been to Savannah many many times and I can honestly say this is the first time I’ve experienced anything like this …

    September 20, 2017 at 7:20 pm Reply
    1. Glenda

      Stayed on the second floor at Marshall House on a return trip to savannah and spent a night filled with inexplicable odd noises and an alarmingly n and totally unprecedented feeling similar to what you’ve described. Something seemed to be physically holding me down and preventing me from speaking. I tried for several minutes to move and shout out to my daughter in the same bed who I could see but not reach. Something ran around the base of the room scurrying about befor and after this experience and something moved the lines from my legs. It was extended and unsettling. When it finally passed, I felt safe (not afraid) and relieved, but also saw some strange fleeting images in my head (nowhere else) — a motionless (sleeping?) African American gentleman in a still frame and what felt like several unspecified female figures fleeing in a different stillshot. Like nothing I’ve ever experienced

      March 25, 2018 at 8:29 pm Reply
      1. Elizabeth

        I stayed in room 214 in October 2015. I had no idea the hotel was haunted and I did not believe in ghosts. I was woken up around dawn by what felt like a hand gently pulling the covers off my legs and then running her hands down my legs to wake me up. I saw a white haze at the end of the bed. While this was happening, it was as if I was trying to scream but couldn’t, similar to the heaviness you mention holding you down and preventing speech. I wonder if this was the nurse figure waking me up during her morning rounds.

        June 11, 2018 at 7:03 pm Reply
        1. Donnie Bolemon

          I truly believe we both had the same encounter. The simularities are too particular not to be…..

          July 19, 2018 at 5:37 pm Reply
      2. Morgan

        Yes. I just had this haunted experience last night. We stayed in room 213 at the Marshall House. I felt like I couldn’t speak or move. I literally felt paralyzed. My husband was lying next to me and I tried to say his name but there were no words coming out. I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath.

        April 11, 2019 at 1:40 pm Reply
    2. Meghan

      This is called sleep paralysis. Very common to see and hear things, often really scary things, and to be unable to move. Also typically happens when you’re on your back. I’ve heard some interviews with mediums who say it is spirits, not always nice ones that torment you during sleep paralysis. It is odd that your first experience happened that late in life! Usually people who get it, get it often.

      March 20, 2022 at 6:24 am Reply
  4. 10 Haunted Hotels That Leave Guests Petrified - Slapped Ham

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    July 9, 2018 at 10:53 pm
  5. Rosie Caudill

    My husband and I stayed in the hotel Friday night and Saturday night 4th floor room 412. Early Saturday morning at 4:40am I remember because when I woke up I looked right at the clock. I heard heavy heavy footsteps right at our door. And early Saturday around 2am same heavy footsteps right outside the door. Then around 4am i heard knocking and then sleep paralysis kicked in. I did not get any sleep. We will be back.

    October 30, 2018 at 9:47 am Reply
    1. Gary Schmelzer

      My wife and I just stayed in Room 412 we heard same thing lots of walking in the hall when we looked hall was empty.

      May 23, 2020 at 6:25 pm Reply
      1. Heather Taylor

        My husband and I just stayed in room 412 10/15 and 10/16/2020. Each night we heard heavy walking in front of the door. I Was woke up from a sound sleep to something touching my foot one night and my back the other night. Needless to say not much sleep but will go back!

        October 17, 2020 at 12:47 pm Reply
  6. Jonathan Curtis

    My wife and I went to the Marshall House years ago for our anniversary. We took many pics and didn’t really experience much other than what sounded like a crying baby most of the night, wich could have been explained by an air vent. When we returned home and developed the film (digital cameras and smartphones were not as common then) we noticed a black cat sitting on one of the vintage sofas in the front lobby. We called the hotel and asked if they had a cat. They said no and that this was the first time they heard of the cat being seen. We sent them the picture so they could add it to their collection.

    May 25, 2019 at 10:29 am Reply
  7. Gary Schmelzer

    My wife and I stayed in Room 412 on 5/20 2020. Late at night I heard lots of walking in the hall but no talking I opened the door nobody was in the hall. Early am I was unlaching the door lock before I opened the door I heard a small child was a boy running and saying wait moma I opened the door there was nobody in the hall..

    May 23, 2020 at 6:17 pm Reply
  8. Mike Adams

    On Nov 7, 2015 my wife and I were staying in Mary Marshall suite. I had a life changing experience that is so much like what others have described. I to experienced my first, and last, sleep paralysis. My encounter started as I was starting to fall asleep. I felt a tingling / almost electrifying charge start at the base of bed and it slowly traveled up my legs. I attempted to move but was frozen. I had awareness but had no muscle control. Now I did not see anything. I know some stayed they saw something. I tried to vocally reach my wife but it was as if nothing was working. I know this sounds crazy but I gathered all my strength and I thought of Jesus as if I was some Hollywood priest casting something out. At that moment I gasped as if my breath was short and then gained control of myself again. Look, this all sounds insane but it happened. I felt as if the presence was male. I felt as if a soldier. I did have a gun on nightstand. I am a licensed carrier and we had just unpacked. I do not know if this triggered something? I had no idea these types of occurrences were possible until the next day after we started researching and who knew at the time Savannah was prone to other people having same experiences. I will never forget it.

    June 28, 2020 at 10:14 am Reply
    1. B

      We stayed not really knowing the history of the place. Our room was the Joel Chandler Harris room. My husband was dead asleep, I woke at 3 am because I couldn’t breathe. It was as if something was on top of me holding me down. My right arm was extended onto the nightstand, and something was holding my arm out, as if to amputate. I couldn’t do anything! I tried to wake my husband, but couldn’t speak. Finally I managed to choke out, “in the name of Jesus let me go” and poof, it was gone. My husband slept through the whole thing 🙄 The next day I had bruises in perfect form of fingers when wrapped around my wrist.
      My southern baptist self dipped my hand in the holy water the next day at the Catholic Church. Scared me in the moment. I’ve had experiences before, but not to that degree. I’d stay again.

      May 4, 2021 at 12:31 pm Reply
  9. Heather Chasteen

    We stayed in the Mary Marshall suite (205) lastnight. My husband said he was hearing a rhythmic tapping for 2-3 minutes and he tried waking me up by tapping and shaking me and he couldn’t. He also smelled burnt popcorn.

    I use a sleep app called Sleep Cycle that records when it picks up noises. We listened to it this morning and at 2:39 when he was hearing the sounds it picked up me moaning and then a creepy voice saying “I’m hot” and then me moaning again. The next minute it recorded picked up the click right when hubby said he loved me and then no more noises after that.

    We had talked about the sleep paralysis reports before going to bed so I’m a little disturbed that he wasn’t more concerned when he couldn’t wake me up! I’m normally a light sleeper.

    July 15, 2022 at 11:59 am Reply
    1. Kim Boyce

      We stayed in 414 last week and I used a sleep app too and it recorded me moaning also! The next night I was awakened by the foot of the bed vibrating and a glow around the side of the bed.

      September 4, 2022 at 8:35 pm Reply
  10. Chris

    This place and the staff were great. We wanted a haunted stay and they gave us room 414. We had some unique experiences. So much so that we wrote a story about it. We think we even captured a picture of the ghost in 414. Too long to paste here, so here is the link:

    December 5, 2022 at 8:38 am Reply
  11. Leon


    May 15, 2024 at 6:51 am Reply
  12. David Hall

    Wife called for reservation at Marshall House and had been doing her research first (as always on-line). Of course, I knew nothing of it’s history. She asked for 414, but it was already booked. They gave us 412 – beside the legacy ghost room. Having no nowledge of any stories, except that it was haunted (meh, everything in Savannah is haunted), I agreed and snickered at the thought. Jokingly left a light on and went to bed with my robe on. Woke up at 3:40am (could see the bedside clock, and thought darn-it, another “old man to bathroom in middle of night” moment. I was hot with the robe on and tried to get up. I was paralyzed and could barely speak or breathe. Terrified that I was having a stroke or heart attack, I’m certain that I was awake and went through the mental excercise of symptomology and nothing fit. I tried to call out to my wife (sleeping soundly beside me) but hardly had breath enough to get out a terrified “Help me”. Continued crying out for several agonizing minutes. My wife finally popped up in bed, grabbed her phone expecting to record some ghostly “event”. As soon as she realized I was unable to move or speak, the condition dissappeared and feeling crept up my legs to my neck and I sat up trying to explain what had happened. My wife excitedly started informing me (for the first time) that she had read about the exact same experience in the same room 412, at the exact same time 3:40am! I told the info desk and bellman what had happened and they just sort of shrugged and intimated – “….another night at Marshall House”. I’m forever changed from skeptic to believer and believe that a paralyzed soldier had slept there before. The actual medical condition of sleep paralysis is for real (physical symptoms) as well as the para-normal phenomenon that occurred to me at the Marshall House!

    November 21, 2024 at 6:14 am Reply

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