Idaho Top Haunt: Haunted Mansions of Albion
Halloween fun in a real haunted building!
Etched above the entrance of Idaho’s premier spooky experience, you’ll find the words: “Haunted Mansions of Albion: A School of Chaos”. Claiming the title of the biggest haunted attraction in the Northwest, the School of Chaos devilishly beckons. Visitors join as the fresh recruits at Albion State and commence a terrifying journey through haunted classrooms, ominous tunnels, and multiple levels of pure dread. As the unsettled spirits of Albion State remain unexorcised, this terrifying experience promises an unsettling journey from the moment you set foot on the premises, with a commitment to guaranteed scares even in the queue. Did we mention that this eerie attraction is ensconced within a genuinely haunted edifice?
FrightFind It: Haunted Mansions of Albion in Albion, ID
Runner-Up: Requiem Haunted House in Caldwell, ID
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