Since it’s that time of year, we wanted to share a few Friday the 13th memes with you. A couple of originals, and a few oldie, but goodies. One of these things is not like the other….
ch Ch CH CHhhh. ah Ah AH AHhhhh

I don’t always Ch Ch Ch Ch. But when I do, I Ah AH AH AH

Gotta Get Down on Friday

Hey Girl, It’s Friday the 13th. Why don’t you put down that axe and stay a while?

Mike! Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike. MIKE! Guess what day it is????

3P0 on the warpath? Gonna put your head on backwards!
Got any you want to share? Send em our way and we’ll put em up.
Happy Friday the 13th, 2015! Plan for the next Friday the 13th with our handy Friday the 13th Calendar.