This was posted last night (Jun 14, 2016) to YouTube and shows a cameraman walking through Sanatorio Duran, an old Costa Rican sanitarium that cared for tuberculosis patients between 1910 and 1920. See below and tell us what you think. Did the cameraman catch a ghost stirring in the darkness or is this a hoax?
The below animated gif captures the figure on a loop so you can see in slower motion.
Ghost or Hoax?
What do you think? It appears as if the figure moves with the camera for a split second so it may be a layered on image, in which case it may be a hoax, but it happens pretty quickly and could be a shadow from the camera’s light.
The limited info from the poster makes us very skeptical. The title “fantasma REAL en el Sanatorio Duran” translates to “REAL ghost in the Sanatorium Duran.” While the very short desciption translates to “SEE 6:22 MIN much doubt upload the video but what we found we had to share it .” And so far no responses in the comments.
Sanotorio Duran: The Most Haunted Building in Costa Rica
The Sanotorio Duran has been dubbed one of the most haunted buildings in all of Costa Rica. It definitely has the history to go along with it. However, the cameraman chickens out so fast it makes it hard to judge.