Hyatt Santa Barbara

This haunt is in need of information. Why is it here? We've had reports that this location is indeed haunted. Our specter crew has this haunt in processing and will be updating its information shortly. If you have a story related to this location, please share it with us below or contact us.

Happy Haunting,
The FrightFind Crew

Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts

3 Reviews

  1. Tiffany Sias

    I’m from Michigan and was visiting the Santa Barbara area for one night. I booked this hotel because it was the only option available in my price range. I had no idea about its history and that it was haunted. I wasn’t a big believer in the supernatural whatsoever, but now, I do believe that I have the ability to sense presences. The night my boyfriend and I stayed there, we got back to our room very late, and we were both tired. I laid on the side of the bed near a window. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until got into bed and the lights went off. That’s when I get this uncomfortable feeling surging throughout my body. I remember sensing a dark, dominating presence was hovering over me and watching me. I’ve had this feeling before, but I usually just ignore it. But for some reason, I couldn’t let this go. I was wide awake and I could not fall asleep. I was afraid and felt my heart beating rapidly; it felt like someone was standing next to me. I nervously reached for the light and turned it back on. I ended up waking up my boyfriend sleeping next to me. I begged him to trade him places in the bed, he asked me why and I couldn’t explain it. He basically thought I was nuts and told me to go to sleep. So the entire night, I squished next to him as far away as possible from the window. I continued to rationalize in my head how ridiculous I was acting. But then, I began to see shadows quickly darting back and forth throughout the room. At first, I thought it was just my eyes playing tricks on me or adjusting to the dark room, but I noticed the shadows would make the light from the bathroom dim. I was scared out of my mind. After staying paralyzed in the bed for hours, my body forced me to go to sleep. The next morning, the uncomfortable feeling was gone for the most part, but I still felt uneasy being alone in the room when my boyfriend was taking a shower. We eventually left the hotel, and I was relieved. After our trip, we were waiting at the airport for our flight, and I was writing a review for the hotel and noticed that people had said it was haunted. It was a relief but also a validation that maybe the paranormal stuff is real. I will never forget my stay at this hotel, it made me a believer.

    August 26, 2020 at 11:37 pm Reply
  2. Kim Edwards

    I did not have any idea this hotel might be haunted. I don’t actually believe in ghosts. The lobby seemed fine, However, as soon as we exited the elevator I could tell things were not normal. Just a very strange feeling in general. There was a super creepy drawing on the notepad on the nightstand. It looked to be done by a child of a scary bride and kids. The phone was out of order as was the ice maker. The fire alarm sounded at midnight and had everyone in the hallway with no explanation from staff. The old timey pictures in the hallways were so creepy!! Overall, I just didn’t appreciate not knowing it was potentially haunted. It is formerly an old military hospital. That explains everything!

    July 9, 2022 at 8:20 pm Reply
  3. bagelcat

    I stayed here in January 2023, and as someone who’s pretty inutitive, and a lover of the paranormal. I had sensed a super off feeling! I brushed it off though as I knew the building was clearly older.

    Also worth noting my little brother was super freaked out the whole stay! We couldn’t figure out why but he was so terrified of the elevator specifically which is pretty unlike him.

    My whole night there was super restless, and i never fell asleep till like 4am! so i wonder if that has a reason too..

    June 20, 2023 at 9:10 pm Reply

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