Le Pavillon Hotel

New Orleans, LA   /   2 Reviews

833 Poydras St, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA

Le Pavillon Haunted Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana

The Le Pavillon hotel opened in 1907 on the corner of Poydras and Baronne in New Orleans, LA. It’s a a 10-story hotel that was originally called the New Denechaud Hotel. The hotel changed ownership several times and today is known as the Le Pavillon and often referred to as “The Belle of New Orleans.” With such a rich history the hotel has picked up many ghost stories over the years. The Le Pavillon is said to be one of the most haunted hotels in the city of New Orleans. For a city often listed in the top 10 most haunted cities in the United States, that carries some weight.

Ghosts of the Le Pavillon Hotel

The Le Pavillon has been investigated a few times. One of the investigators claimed that there were hundreds of entities leading one group to suggest that the hotel sits upon a portal to the “other side.” The hotel boast a lot of activity, here are a few ghosts that have struck a cord with investigators and hotel goers over the years.

There are many stories of Le Pavillon’s ghosts. Each with a slightly varying tune. We did our best to get the stories straight through interviews with hotel staff and other aficionados.

Ava’s Ghost on the 9th Floor

The tale of a beautiful young woman with long dark hair and dark eyes stayed at the hotel at the turn of the century. Hoping to enjoy the city a little, she tucked her long hair under a stylish cap, donned a long skirt and pulled a shawl over her shoulders to ward off the chill in the air. She made it only a few steps from the hotel before losing her life when an out of control carriage ran over her on the street.

The hotel reports that she was carried to room 930 where she eventually passed away.

Ava is said to frequent the 9th floor and room 930 quite often. She’s also often seen in the lobby and guests have even asked hotel staff to help her. Some guests even felt the woman rush into them as she paced back and forth across the floor. Many locals think that Ava haunts the hotel because she had important business to do on the day she died and that she can’t rest until she completes it.

Ava’s silhouette was caught in a picture on the 9th floor by room 901. Ask the hotel to catch a glimpse of this picture up close.

The Prankster Ghost

A prankster ghost also has a tendency to pop up at Le Pavillon Hotel. Some refer to the man as a hippie because he never wears shoes and has long hair that sweeps across his shoulder. Guests blame him for things that inexplicably go missing in their rooms and when they find things rearranged in their rooms. He is also responsible for pulling blankets off guests in the middle of the night. The hotel said that he died in room 225 and still haunts the room today.

The Ghost Couple

Ghosts of a an older couple are often seen on the first floor lobby, the second floor and especially in room 221. It’s said that they checked into the hotel and decided to spend some time exploring the city. Not long after returning, the man had a heart attack and died. His wife died just a few weeks later. Guests sometimes see them walking around the grounds, holding hands and clearly enjoying their time together.

Ghostly Tips for Your Stay at the Haunted Le Pavillon Hotel

Le Pavillon Hotel ghosts thrill, delight and terrify guests every day. Many hotels around New Orleans are wary to speak of their ghostly history. Le Pavillon is the opposite. Le Pavillon embraces the ghosts that have extended their stay. You can ask for a pamplet of the hotel’s history which includes the results of a paranormal investigation that took place in 1996 by Dr. Larry Montz.

Ask for a Haunted Room

Guests can request to stay in the more haunted rooms of the hotel. It’s reported that the most activity takes place on the 4th and 7th floor, but many guests have paranormal experiences small to large throughout the Le Pavillon.

The 9th floor is one of the more famously haunted floors of the hotel. It’s said that the activity here can be up close and personal. A male guest reported waking up to a woman dresssed in black at the end of his bed. She moved toward him and grabbed his head with both hands and said, “You belong to me, I’ll never let you go.” The man did not stick around much longer.

Haunted Rooms to Stay

  • Room 221 is where the ghostly couple like to spend their time.
  • Room 225 is where the prankster ghost died and still lives on.
  • Room 930 is where Ava’s is rumored to have died after her run in with the carriage. She haunts that floor and the room.
  • The lobby is said to have a lot of activity as well. Glimpses of each of these ghosts have been reported.

It should be noted that there is a lot of information about the Le Pavillon’s ghosts and many stories vary slightly. This is likely because of the many different people that are passing this information down. The hotel is quite open with the stories of its ghosts and as more people tell the stories, they differ ever so slightly. We spoke with hotel representatives to confirm these stories as well as possible. And even when our conversation was over, they revealed that there are even more stories to hear when you arrive.

Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts

2 Reviews

  1. Traveling Superman goes to New Orleans – Gina's Inkwell

    […] *Sources: Ghost City Tours, Le Pavillon, and Fright Find. […]

    June 27, 2018 at 7:31 am
  2. Kristin

    We stayed in the room next door to room 930 Unaware of the hotels haunted history. We visit New Orleans often and always stay at a different hotel chosen randomly the night before we head to the city. Never have we encountered anything ghostly or odd until we stayed here.

    Our stay was for 4 nights and the on the 1st night beginning around 12 am our hotel door began being banged on hard and loud! I ran to the door and opened it quickly to nobody in sight, no other doors closing to other rooms or any noise coming from the elevators which were way down the hall. I’d close the door and return back to bed this occurred for hours! Several times an hour! I got so frustrated thinking it was a prank from a drunk or kids because we had our 1 year old in the room especially.

    After around 3 am I began knocking on other rooms and listening with my ear to the doors to see if there were any signs of laughing or people up and I heard nothing but some snoring. I layed awake to catch whoever was doing this and when it would happen I was at the door fast and again no signs of anyone, noises it was completely quiet in the halls, no doors heard shutting as I approached my door and I even ran down to the elevators to try to catch someone at them but there was nothing. I even set my phone to video and placed it to where it would catch someone’s feet through the crack at bottom of door. Oddly when it happened after that I ran and played it back and there was no sign of anyone!

    5am I finally had it. I called security to my room. After telling the man what was going on and the 1st question he asked was if I was aware of the hotels history. I replied no. He then told me about the hotels many, many ghosts and explained that wasn’t the 1st time they’ve heard of this happening. I didn’t really buy it at 1st and I do believe in ghosts but the hotel is so beautiful I just wasn’t sure so I asked if he could roll back the security footage, please.

    He asked if I would come with him. We went and he rolled the footage back and I was shocked as hell! Nobody had been at my door or in the hall at my end since 1 arrival by 2 women at 2:13 am and their room was close by the elevators. He then handed me the pamphlet of the ghost history. I then realized our room was next door to room 930 where ghost Ada died. And that the 9th floor was considered the most haunted of the hotel.

    I was still skeptical so I knocked on others rooms to ask if they had the same happen to them that night or heard the beating on my door, everyone said no. If it was a ghost which now I’m convinced it was I don’t believe it was Ada, if anything I believe we may have had an encounter with the notorious prankster ghost… the beating was hard it shook the door, it sounded as if someone was beating with a closed fist. The beating would happen at least 1-3 times an hour from maybe after 12am as I fell asleep until 5am, wether I was awake or asleep. That was the only night that happened during our stay and it was our 1st night.

    Nothing else odd or weird happened. We absolutely love the hotel! It’s absolutely stunning and all the staff was great. I most definitely plan to stay our next visit especially now that I’ve done more looking up on the hotel online and I’m interested in staying in room 930. I would highly recommend anyone hoping to have a ghostly experience to try staying on the 9th floor near the or in the suit 930.

    September 18, 2018 at 12:28 am Reply

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