With “The Purge: Election Year” opening in theaters, FrightFind wants to take a minute and remind everyone of their civic duty. If you don’t vote, then your voice isn’t heard. This year we have a couple of interesting candidates to say the least. Both of the party nominees have very different political stances and have made some wildly outlandish statements. It’s almost become a show. So we ask you “which candidate is the most likely to bring the annual 12-hour cleanse to our great nation?” We ask you…
Which presidential candidate is most likely to start The Purge?
Donald “The Don of Death” Trump or Hillary “Hill the Kill” Clinton?
[yop_poll id=”1″]
Remember the rules of The Purge
Restrictions prohibit government officials “ranking 10” from being disturbed, as well as the use of all weapons above Class 4 (explosive devices such as grenades, rocket launchers, and bazookas).
Love the nicknames. Hill The Kill looks crazier and has the better nickname, but you know Trump is the one to start a real purge. I think it’s part of his campaign LOL!
Oh definitely Hillary. Death is her specialty.
Don of the Dead! He’ll wall you in and let the guns fly!