While you are grilling hot dogs and blowing stuff up this 4th of July, Universal Studios Hollywood is busy stopping an invasion of hungry Walkers. That’s right, their all new, year long Walking Dead Attraction open on the 4th of July, 2016!
Try not to get bit as you fight for survival in this post apocalyptic world of the dead. You begin your quest for survival at Harrison Memorial Hospital where Rick came to the realization that the world as he knows it is gone. You will enter the West Georgia Correctional Facility where Hershel said goodbye to one of his favorite limbs. Will Daryl or Carol make an appearance? Will Maggie and Glenn get separated for the who knows how many-th time? Lots of questions, but the only way to answer them is to head down to sunny Southern California and find out for yourself.
It’s a walk through. Fun, but kind of short. The walkers look great and there were some nice jump scares. The line had a “don’t open! dead inside” door that opens and walker hands reaching out which was very cool. Lots of walkers. Overall, pretty neat. Wish it was longer.