Fort Conde Inn

Mobile, AL   /   1 Review

The main building that houses the Fort Conde Inn was built in 1836. Settlers built a fort there in 1711, and this historic area has been known to have hauntings throughout the entire city.

It doesn’t have specific ghost encounters that guests have reported, but workers have reported encounters. The guests report a sense that they feel like they are not alone. There have been disembodied voices reported when no one is around too.

The Fort Conde Inn features a two-floor main house where guests seem to have more experiences on the second floor, but the inn has cottages too. In the Antunez cottage, a housekeeper reported that she place a bucket of water outside the door to one of the suites. Her water began to roll down the stairs on its own very slowly. It stopped once then continued down the stairs again.

A worker in the Antunez reported that he walked into a room and came upon a confederate soldier in uniform staring out the window. The soldier turned slowly to stare at the worker. The worker ran from the building and said he wouldn’t come back to the property ever again.

More workers in the Antunez reported that they heard heavy footsteps walking up the stairs, but when they yelled out to ask who was there, no one responded. The steps faded. No one else was in the building.

Posted in Haunted Hotels and Real Haunts

One Review

  1. Jennifer H Dixon

    My husband and I just stayed at the Fort Conde Inn. In the early afternoon we both heard footsteps on the stairs but noone was on either set of stairs. Later that evening we were relaxing in our room when the lights begin to flicker, we filmed the lights flickering and they continued to flicker even after being turned off. My husband who is a huge sceptic said that in the middle of the night he was awakened by a loud boat coming in and he got up and went to the bathroom, when coming from the bathroom he said that he felt two gentle taps on his back. We never felt afraid, we felt welcomed and had a wonderful stay.

    February 27, 2020 at 6:44 am Reply

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