The Warren’s Occult Museum

Monroe, CT   /   44 Reviews

60-122 Lynn Dr, Monroe, CT 06468, USA

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The Warren’s Occult Museum in Monroe, Connecticut

Most people who bring haunted or possessed objects into their homes do it by mistake, but not Ed and Lorraine Warren. In fact, not only do they keep haunted and possessed objects in the basement of their home in Monroe, Connecticut, but they’ve made it into a one of a kind  Occult Museum.

What is The Warren’s Occult Museum

The Annabelle Doll and the Warrens

The Warrens began studying the paranormal in 1952 and have risen to fame from The Conjuring film series. Throughout the years, they accumulated memorabilia from their cases and opened the museum in the early 1980s. The most notable piece in their collection is the Annabelle doll in its large glass case. Along with the Annabelle doll, there is a smaller, but much more unsettling looking doll called the Shadow doll. It’s said that the doll will infiltrate people’s dreams and stop their heart while they sleep. There is a large man-shaped structure that was found in the woods Connecticut that was used for satanic rituals, a human skull with a star painted on its forehead that was used for black magic, and an organ that looks harmless but is known to play music all on its own.

All who enter the museum are warned not to touch anything. This is a  strictly enforced rule. Many of the objects housed in the cramped basement can latch onto a human host with just that simple action. So watch where you place your hands and most definitely watch what you say. You never know what might be listening and if it will take offense.

According to Ed Warren, a young man came to the museum and started tapping on the glass of the Annabelle case after hearing the horror story of how it got there. He exclaimed that if the doll really did scratch someone, it should prove it and scratch him too. Ed ushered the man out himself saying, “Son, you need to leave.” On his way home, the young man and his girlfriend who was with him got into a motorcycle accident. The young man was killed upon impact and his girlfriend was hospitalized for over a year. It is believed that the Annabelle doll was behind this accident, given its history with motor accidents and its dislike of being antagonized.

The Warrens claim to have investigated over 10,000 cases during their career. Two of their most notable cases being the Old Brook Farm and the Amityville house. The former was a real-life haunting that inspired The Conjuring series, and the latter spurred countless books and movies about the horrors that took place within it. It’ll come as no surprise that the Warren’s Occult Museum, much like the Old Brook Farm and Amityville house, is a real haunted location. It is not an uncommon sight to see a priest blessing the basement to ensure the safety of the Warrens and visitors. But guests are assured an interesting look into the Warrens long history of the supernatural, as long as you respect the environment and the objects within it.

Visiting The Warren’s Occult Museum

Along with being a must-see for anyone interested in the paranormal, the Warrens house has been used in several films and television shows such as, but not limited to, The X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Twilight Zone, and Dexter. The Occult Museum is currently closed due to zoning issues. Check the Warren’s website for updates about where and when the new museum will open.

Posted in Haunted Places, Paranormal Groups and Real Haunts

44 Reviews

  1. Sarah

    We came here since it’s pretty close to our place in Connecticut. One of the neatest AND SCARIEST places I’ve been to. I didn’t know these guys did the Amityville Horror House too. That story is scarier than heck.

    January 2, 2019 at 2:15 pm
  2. Sucha

    I hope someday I will go to the Occult Museum. RIP, Ed and Lorraine Warren.

    December 29, 2019 at 7:12 pm
  3. Teresa

    Will the museum ever open again? Maybe the curator could do an up to date virtual tour.

    May 1, 2020 at 4:52 pm
  4. AD

    I hope whou ever is in charge now of this things will take care and preserve them

    May 17, 2020 at 12:18 am
  5. Sophie lee

    Is the occult museum still there? Now it’s permanently closed, what is going to happen to the objects in there? Surely they can’t be removed?

    June 2, 2020 at 8:09 am
    1. admin

      I believe they were still deciding what to do, but some artifacts may have been moved.

      June 2, 2020 at 2:06 pm
  6. Scott

    yeah, im curious to know they will open again.. seriously

    June 23, 2020 at 1:00 pm
    1. Joel

      Their Google listing says that they are “Permanently Closed”. We will let you know if we hear anything new.

      June 23, 2020 at 1:13 pm
  7. Vikki Ferrari

    I have always been interested in the paranormal and Ed and Lorraine Warren the cases they have done and of course their Occult museum had made my interest even bigger. I would love to visit the Occult museum if they ever decide to open it again.

    September 7, 2020 at 9:48 pm
  8. Kathleen Vorderbruggen

    Will the museum reopen

    March 2, 2021 at 1:01 pm
    1. admin

      Not sure yet. Check back!

      March 3, 2021 at 3:26 pm
  9. Noah Miller

    Tour dates. If museum is not open, where will the doll be available for viewing? Mainly in November of 2021

    March 15, 2021 at 4:51 pm
  10. valerie resendiz

    why did it close what was the resone

    May 19, 2021 at 7:17 am
  11. Melinda Morrison

    I have wanted to go to the Warren’s since I was a little girl , I am now 42years old.. I always wanted to meet the Warren’s as well .. I guess I will never be able to do either now that they have both passed away and the museum is closed. Rest in piece Lorraine a day Ed Warren you 2 were amazing people I had always looked up to u guys n wished I could be more like you .. 1 question I have is Will there ever be a time that we can pay to come see the museum even if it’s only 1 or 2 people coming ?? Hope to get an answer soon thank you .

    May 30, 2021 at 8:25 pm
  12. Matt

    I’d pay to go there so would many others… Seems pretty idiotic to ignore potential cash flow from tourist.

    June 5, 2021 at 11:34 pm
  13. Tiffany Burgos

    I would love to know when the museum will be open again? And if it’s not opening again is it because Lorraine Warren has passed away?

    June 7, 2021 at 8:19 pm
  14. Stephanie Carver

    I never knew Ed and I shared a Birthday. Mine is September 7, 1986. When will the museum open? I’m from NOLA and definitely want to visit the spirits/demons.

    June 7, 2021 at 11:51 pm
  15. Yilian Capote

    I am very interested in visiting the Warren’ s museum if it opens again.

    June 8, 2021 at 1:41 pm
  16. Lorenzo

    I’ve become sooo interested ever since conjuring La Llorna came out. I know that hollywood makes them look scarier, but it’s nothing compared to the actual backstory. Also, anyone see conjuring 4 yet?

    June 9, 2021 at 8:20 am
  17. Dena-Marie Morello

    I have always wanted to visit their museum very much interested and have been following Ed and Lorraine and are very impressed by them. I hope one day if they do indeed move the artifacts and reopen somewhere else definetly keep all posted. It would be a great birthday gift since I was born near halloween and find their stories very intriguing.

    June 14, 2021 at 10:59 am
  18. Yulissa Nunez

    will they ever open again i was planning to go before they closed but with covid and all plans went to heck please keep us updated on the list

    June 17, 2021 at 4:33 pm
  19. Scott Miller (Thomas Scott Miller)

    I am also very interested to know if the museum will re-open. I know the curators/estate owners have the best intentions, but I feel it’s a pity to have the items somewhere where people cannot see them. From a monetary standpoint, it would certainly make sense to re-open the museum unless, of course, zoning issues outweigh income from visitors. In that, case, however, I would put money on it, ahem, that relocating the museum to a major city would be a great thing. Thanks!

    June 20, 2021 at 4:59 am
  20. Jen G-K

    I just saw the conjuring and thought about this place. My husband works in Monroe and I was going to go with him. I am disappointed that it is not open. I will keep my eyes open to see if it opens again!

    June 29, 2021 at 10:36 am
  21. TjTibbs

    My family has always believed in ghosts. We have never experienced the demon side of it but there has always been an energy that I believed followed me.

    July 5, 2021 at 9:36 am
  22. Linn Nordnes

    Realy hope the museum opens again.
    Will travel from Norway to se it!
    It anger’s me to thing someone would think of this as trash and not being Worth the time and money. Please who ever’s in charge do something.

    July 31, 2021 at 5:37 pm
  23. Lucas Bell

    When r you reopining?

    August 17, 2021 at 12:35 pm


    September 16, 2021 at 8:05 am
  25. Sara Kelly

    I have a ouija board of my mother’s I really would like to give away. I am afraid to have it in my home. Please, please contact me.

    October 26, 2021 at 3:07 pm
  26. Nikki Loakes

    If the Museum is closed. whats gonna happen to Annabelle?

    October 27, 2021 at 11:26 am
  27. Jarock

    I just really wish I got a chance to meet the warrens and this coming from Chicago. I love all they movies but I really wanted to meet them in person❤️❤️

    December 29, 2021 at 5:14 am
  28. Angel Collins

    I know they both had respect for all their artifacts and the new zoning laws have u tried zac from ghost adventures to help u move the stuff with his knowledge and the people who blessed the worst artifacts why it wouldn’t work ur parents were amazing and wonderful at what they did but most important they cared about everyone they helped. RIP to both and good luck to the rest of the family

    January 1, 2022 at 8:06 pm
  29. Gabrielle B.

    I can’t believe that in my living days, I missed the chance to visit this place and cross it off my bucket list. I’m honestly so sad, I think I’ll regret it for a very long time.

    April 12, 2022 at 11:11 am
  30. Gaby

    I’m certainly not about to get over the fact that I had a chance in my living days to visit this place and now it’s closed forever. Holy heck, am I sad. May the Warrens RIP.

    April 13, 2022 at 2:18 pm
  31. Arjun Jain

    How can I visit this museum ?

    August 9, 2022 at 4:14 pm
  32. Ben wise

    The reviews of the warrens life was the best people to save all people far form the demons and Protect everyone to save life the warrens I hope you can here that from me

    November 13, 2022 at 3:49 pm
  33. Chloe

    any way to know museum will reopen at what time or what place has been moved?

    January 8, 2023 at 7:28 am
  34. Joseph Leonard Concepcion

    I have been to many of there lectures ,seminars and to the museum back in 1987 I was born and raised in Connecticut went to the same church as they did ,Tony I believe you were the treasure back then ,I think of them all the time I had three audio cassettes one being the Enfield poltergeist that my wife picked at three different raffles Lorraine said my wife was gifted .

    July 4, 2023 at 7:22 pm
  35. Vanessa Mae Idpan

    I’m an education student from the Philippines, 22 yrs old. I love watching horror movies especially the conjuring universe, I’m wondering when will the Warren’s Occult Museum open to visitors again, my dream is to visit there someday.

    July 22, 2023 at 1:18 am
  36. Diego luna

    Will the museum ever open again?

    September 26, 2023 at 10:42 am
  37. Jeannie

    The Warren’s have been popular bc of all the movies their work inspired you would think with the money those movies made for actors who portrayed Ed and Lorraine Warren and money the studio made from these films someone would’ve made sure The Occult Museum didn’t close.

    September 30, 2023 at 11:24 am
  38. ninja

    Can you ask Tony Spera when they will open again? l saw some ghost hunters made investigation this year probably one single event.Tony Spera was The Greatest moderator at the point.

    October 28, 2023 at 8:15 am
  39. ninja

    Can you ask Tony ? when they will open again. l saw some ghost hunters made investigation this year probably one single event.Tony was The Greatest moderator at the point. 👉

    October 28, 2023 at 8:16 am
  40. Erik Villalta

    When is the museum re opening again?

    March 7, 2024 at 7:20 am
  41. Amanda Yale

    Open back up!!!

    June 19, 2024 at 7:20 pm

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